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Peer to peer communication between two TRF7970A EVMs

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TRF7970A, UNIFLASH, MSP430F5529

Hello All,

I want to do the peer to peer communication between two TRF modules but without using the TI GUI as TI GUI didn't work perfectly. I have tried to do the same with the TRF7970A reference firmware but two EVMs didn't came in same RF field.

I just want to do the some text transfer between two TRF7970A evm as shown in below link :

As with TI reference firmware, its quite difficult to do peer to peer communication between two TRF7970A EVM, 

Please share the idea with me.

Thank you in advance!!

  • here is the image to load (using uniflash tool or Elprotronic) on the TRF7970AEVM (modified for SPI w/SS) and the docklight script to go with it, as you will see in video.

    image to load:

    0247.TRF7970AEVM - P2P Nov 8.7z

    Docklight Script: (get docklight from

    7587.P2P NDEF Commands.7z

  • Hello Sir,

    Thank you for your response.

    Can you please share source code for doing this?  So, that I can do the things as per my project requirement.

    Looking forward for your positive response.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Manish - 

    can you send me email @ 

    as you can imagine, we do have a software release process which this will fall under quite soon, but in order to keep support of the project in its current state reasonable, what i would propose is that we email you the CCS project directly instead of posting it. (this is the reason i posted the image to load, so you can see that this is what you are wanting to do (or not), beforehand)

  • Hello Dear Josh,

    Thank you very much for your kind help could you please share the source code with me as well because i am involved in the same kind of project.

    one of TI employee referred me to this thread.

    Kind Regards

    Muhammad Haris

  • Dear Manish,

    I am doing the same kind of project ( i have to transfer data wirelessly between inductive coils) for that i had already bought 2 TRF EVM modules. any help would be highly appreciated.

    Kind Regards
    Muhammad Haris
  • Hello Muhammad,

    Please see the following post it includes the C code you can download to the TRF7970AEVM and a docklight script (hyperterminal) that allows you to send commands between each other or NDEF message to the NFC enabled smartphones:

    Best regards,


  • Dear  Erick,

    Thank you very much for your kind reply, i saw that post before posting my request. Problem is that its an image file i cant see actually how that msgs are being transferred, i am intretested to see the mechanism behid . i read whole firmware discription pdf but it doesnt say so much about peer to peer protocol how GUI is configuring it on root on chip level.

    so it would be very kind of you if you could provide me c code which is being used.

    Kind Regards

    Muhammad Haris

  • Hello Muhammad,

    There is no C code that is being used to generate the NDEF messages. The messages sent between the EVM were based on NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) NFC Forum Specification. (Version 1.0).

    There are applications in the Android Marketplace you can use to create an NDEF message. For example "NFC TagReader" from KDDI. The message can be sent ("beamed") over P2P to the EVM, the message would sent over the UART terminal and displayed on a terminal program. You could then copy the message for your application.

    We have released an updated version of the P2P FW for a larger MCU (MSP430F5529) which has examples of different NDEF messages in the application. The card emulation example project has various examples in the ndef_image.h file (C:\ti\msp430\TRF7970A_CE_1.00.14\MSP430F5529_NFC_Card Emulation_Demo\Headers) .

    Peer to Peer Application Note:

    Card Emulation Application Note:

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Erick,
    In P2P communication SNEP will be an Application layer component . In protocol layer which of the ISO standard will support in TRF7970A.

    Best regards,
  • Hello Ramesh,

    The ISO18092 protocol is used to activate the P2P link.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Erick,
    I agree with you, but the Pdf SLOA192 is not providing the same information. if you have any upgraded pdf, will you please forward me the pdf or link.
  • Hello Dear Erick,

    i am connecting 2 EVM modules and trying to connect both modules via using GUI one as target and other as initiator. i tried almost everything i have windows 7 proper drivers are installed as well but when i push connect button i get mentioned below error

    please help

    14:43:57.407 COM12
    14:43:57.409 COM11
    14:43:57.410 COM10
    14:43:57.411 COM9
    14:43:57.412 COM8
    14:43:57.412 COM7
    14:43:57.413 COM6
    14:43:57.413 COM5
    14:43:57.414 COM4
    14:43:57.414 COM3
    14:43:57.504 --> 0108000304FF0000
    14:43:57.553 <-- TRF7970A EVM

    14:43:57.555 **** COM Port found! ****
    14:44:06.722 --> 00F
    14:44:06.732 COM3
    14:44:07.157 <-- 0
    14:44:07.166 --> 010C00030410002101310000
    14:44:07.683 <-- Register write request.

    14:44:07.692 portSetReadMode
    14:44:07.701 --> 010B000304D403D4F00000
    14:44:07.818 <-- NFC.[00]

    14:44:10.571 --> 0109000304A0010000
    14:44:10.749 <-- 14443A REQA.

    14:44:10.758 --> 0109000304A0010000
    14:44:10.936 <-- 14443A REQA.

    14:44:10.941 --> 0109000304A0010000
    14:44:11.114 <-- 14443A REQA.

    14:44:11.123 --> 0109000304A0010000
    14:44:11.301 <-- 14443A REQA.

    14:44:11.310 --> 0109000304A0010000
    14:44:11.489 <-- 14443A REQA.

    14:44:15.308 Set new target CID number

    Kind regards
    Muhammad Haris
  • Hello Muhammad,

    The TRF7970AEVM GUI P2P FW will work with the NFC smartphones. You will need to use the code Josh had posted preveiously on the following E2E post:

    SLOA192 has an updated version of the code which would have to be ported to the TRF7970AEVM, however based on the memory footprint of the application it would have to be modified since we are using over 2KB of RAM.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Ramesh,

    In page 18 the Peer to Peer NFC Stack Architecture (Figure 14) diagram shows that the technology selection ISO standard includes ISO18092 and ISO 14443-3. I have a couple of references to the related documents in page 37 (reference # 2 and 4).

    I hope this helps!

    Best regards,


  • Dear Erick, 

    Thank you very much for your kind reply.

    I believe you are talking about P2P NDEF command (image file ) which josh posted could you please tell me which utility i should use to modify that image to see the coding behind.

    secondly i read in a post somewhere in TI community that  you guys stopped working on p2p mode in 7970aevm long ago and now there is another bundle (NFCLINK-bdnl) which includes msp430f5529 and trf7970a to perform p2p functionality ( i dont know why 7970aevm is still on website for sale) now money is wasted and i ordered a new ones. as mentioned in previous post i don't have much time left to submit my thesis.

    Thanking you and kind Regards
