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TRF7960A: Permanent carrier signal on TX_OUT pin even if tranciever is off

Part Number: TRF7960A


I have a board with STM32F777 MCU and TRF7960A chip connected via SPI with 1.875 MHz frequency.
Chip is initialized using sloa227b library according to the specific of the trf7960A chip. I can read and write data to registers, for example I changed Bits 4 & 5 of the 0x09 register and saw with the oscilloscope the frequencies 13.6, 6.8, 3.4 & 0 MHz on the SYS_CLK pin.

But on TX_OUT pin the carrier signal is presented even if bit 5 in 0x00 register is set to zero, which means that transmitter is off. What can be the problem?

Best regards

  • Hello Igor,

    Did you account for the SPI polarity swaps on both reads and writes for all registers? SLOA227 didn't include any support for TRF7960A SPI issues.

    The TRF7960A has a number of quirks with SPI that you should make sure are handled right, can you check your firmware and SPI settings against these guidelines:

    Also the minimum SPI clock is supposed to be 2MHz. You are very close to that, but I would say try a bit faster to also rule out that the SPI clock frequency is outside of the datasheet specifications.

  • Thank for the response, Ralph!

    Yes, I made a SPI polarity swap using sloa140b doc, that's why I can read and write register 0x09 and change SYS_CLK frequency. 

    I increased SPI clock in 2 times. Chip Status Control Register (0x00) has value 0x01 but on TX_OUT pin I still see the 13.6 MHz signal

  • Hello Igor,

    On how many boards do you see this behavior? And is it outputting at full voltage or at a reduced voltage?

    Is this on a custom board or a TI EVM?

    What happens if you set the TX to be in half-power mode?

    What is your regulator control setting (Register 0x0B) and VIN to the device?

  • Hello Ralph,

    I have 1 custom board with trf7960A chip. Setting half-power to the 0x00 chip status register gives ~3V output signal. Setting Full-power gives 5V output signal on TX_OUT pin. 
    Vin = 5V, Regulator Control Register 0x0B is set to default state (0x87), I didn't change it.

  • Hello Igor,

    If it is just one board, I am wondering if there is potential of damage to the device then. Can you swap the IC with a new one and see if the behavior still occurs? I have not heard of this issue before so to hear only one board is impacted makes me think perhaps the device got ESD damaged.