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LAUNCHXL-CC1350: Smart RF Studio antenna testing @ 695.5 Mhz

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1350
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350


We have a working design based on CC1350 running @ 868MHz. It uses EasyLink with default RF params: EasyLink_Phy_50kbps2gfsk

Now we are attempting to do lab measurements on the same design + antenna @ 697.5 MHz, by modifying the base frequency parameter in RF Studio.

The antenna circuit is not designed for this frequency, so we expect poor performance. But instead we're getting no RSSI at all data from the Continuous RX mode. In addition, the frequency input shows a red exclamation mark with a note that Smart RF Studio will do its best but cannot provide optimized parameters at this frequency.

Is there a guide for how to set up Smart RF Studio for non-standard frequencies such as 697.5 MHz?

If not, what about 718 MHz - the closest frequency which is listed as functionally verified in the data sheet? The data sheet mentions that radio settings for 718-878MHz can be made available on request.

Kind regards