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SMARTRFTM-STUDIO: Use SmartRF Studio for ETSI tests

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354R10, CC2674R10


I am trying to understand how to use the smart rf studio to run ETSI tests. Ideally I should be able to set my registers in smartrf studio, export the values to the MCU (CC1354R10) and then disconnect the target from smart rf stiudio in order to run the tests without wiring interferences. 

I went through the tutorial ( and saw that it is was possible to do export the registers values. 

2 questions : 

- Is it the recommended way for such tests ? 

- Are there any limitations in the tests we can run ? 



  • Hi Geoffrey,

    When we test the LaunchPads at an official test house in order to obtain ETSI certification to sell the boards in Europe. It is normally sufficient to provide the test house with SmartRF studio.

    The main RF emission tests that a test house will perform are static Tx and sending Tx packets. Both of these tests can be controlled in SmartRF studio. 

  • Hi Richard, 

    Thanks for you feedback. 

    I assume when they test it in the test house they don't keep the customer board connected to the laptop in order to run smart rf studio, right ? So it is possible to "set" the test via smartrf studio and then run them locally in the CC2674R10, without the laptop, in the test house ? 



  • Hi Geoffrey,

    Many test houses have an optical USB link to the rotating table where the DUT is positioned. This way, the DUT can be controlled outside the chamber with minimum interference with SmartRF studio.

    Alternatively, the commands can be sent via SmartRF studio (or flashed) and then the USB cable can be removed just as long as the unit is powered.