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CC2510DK-MINI + IAR: Stack and Link problems

I am working with CC2510DK-MINI and IAR 8.10.3 Kickstart version.

After I encountered several stack and link related problems with my application (symptoms vary with settings of data model and calling convention) I decided to go back to the (preinstalled) sample application. After some minor changes (name of linker config file changed to lnk51ew_cc2510F32.xcl, adding the '--ks_version' option) I can successfully build and load the application. But trying to debug it I get similar symptoms as with my own application, for example:

Wed Jan 18 18:40:24 2012: The stack 'IdataStack' is filled to 100% (192 bytes used out of 192). The warning threshold is set to 90.%
Wed Jan 18 18:40:24 2012: The stack 'XdataStack' is filled to 100% (384 bytes used out of 384). The warning threshold is set to 90.%
Wed Jan 18 18:40:24 2012: The stack pointer for stack 'XdataStack' (currently XData:0xFFFF) is outside the stack range (XData:0xF000 to XData:0xF180)

All the idata stack is filled with 0xff (i already increased the default stack sizes), xdata is not displayed because of the invalid pointer. This all occurs while the application is looping within


The strange thing is: The application is still working, if I simply ignore these errors and say 'Go', I can link to the second board.

Any suggestions ?
