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CCS/CC1310: Store two TI-RTOS images into flash and use a bootloader to boot the proper one

Part Number: CC1310

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Reading the post I have the following doubts:

  • In the post it is said that "TI-RTOS in ROM will place jump tables in the following address range 0x0000'1000 - 0x0000'14FE". That is independent from how many TI-RTOS applications I want to store in flash, right? in my case I want to store two images, both using TI-RTOS, could I organize flash memory like this? 
  • How can I split bootloader app to fit it in the first and last flash pages?
  • What tool do I have to use to flash the device like this? I guess that you use a tool that takes all the binaries and linker scripts as inputs and flashes the device

