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CC1111EMK868-915: CC1111EMK868-915

Part Number: CC1111EMK868-915
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310


I bought the the CC1111EMK868-915 dongle to use for bands at 868MHz and 915MHz, and I saw the CC1111EMK868-915 description states that the dongle operates in the 868 MHz and 915 MHz frequency bands, but the board uses the 868Mhz chip antenna. I just wonder how it would work for the 916MHz if the chip antenna range is 858 - 878 Mhz. Are there 2 different CC1111EMK dongles that work at 868 and 915MHz? Thanks.

  • Hi,

    The antenna has been optimized for 868 MHz and will also work with some slight degradation at 915 MHz as well.

    Normally at 868 MHz and 915 MHz, when targeting both frequencies it is common practice to optimize the antenna in the middle of the band around 900 MHz.

    The USB dongle is a small board/PCB so the antenna will have a smaller bandwidth making it more sensitive to cover 868 MHz and 915 MHz with a common BOM.



  • Richard,

    Thanks for your response. Do you know what software was this board used to create the pcb files? I tried to open it with Altium, and i can't open it.



  • I'm designing a dongle similar to the CC1111EMK868-915 dongle, but I'm using the CC1310 (because I want to reuse some of my current code), so that I can use this dongle to talk to another handle board also having CC1310. Both my boards have the miniature Helical PCB Antenna, but now I want to make my dongle board size smaller, can I use the same chip antenna that the CC1111EMK868-915 use to work on both frequencies 868 and 915MHz?

  • Hi,

    Yes, the chip antenna from CC1111EMK868-915 can also be used with CC1310.

    Making the board smaller, will also means that the bandwidth and efficiency of the antenna will be smaller due to the physical size. Recommend to match the antenna to 900 MHz and then measure the performance at 868 MHz and 915 MHz. If you the performance is not satisfactorily, then I would use one antenna match BOM for 868 MHz and another antenna match BOM for 915 MHz.  



  • Hello Richard,

    Is there any TI Design Note that recommend to match the antenna to 900MHz for this chip antenna because it seems like the dongle is designed to match it to 868MHz.



  • Hi,

    Johanson Technology can help with tuning of the chip antenna.

    Recommend to contact: Manuel Carmona <>

