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Hello, I am trying to use the PCB antenna in the IPC 4-Layer 4x4 Differential 779-930 MHz v1.0.1 Design Files. However, it seems that the values for the impedance matching network components for using the PCB antenna aren't in the files.
What values can I use?
Also, if I need to use a VNA to get the values, how can I connect/contact the VNA cable to the reference design PCB?
Antenna matching changes from one design to the other design because of Ground plane, parasitics, location of the components and casing. So, the same matching in the Reference design may not hold good for your design. You need to redo antenna matching on your design. Please note that Antenna matching must be done on a complete unit (which includes casing).
I recommend to put a PI network in between the Antenna and C16 (in the above reference design that means add one more shunt component from the Junction of C16/R2 to Gnd). Please refer to App note SWRA640 for further details. The following is the link to SWRA640.
Please refer to App note SWRA161 for the procedure on Antenna Matching with VNA. The following is the link.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I was going to use the reference design without casing so all parameters should be the same. I was wondering what matching values were needed for the reference design I mentioned. In the schematic and board layout file, the values aren't specified for the reference design.
It seems that is a Reference Design only. That means you have to tune the Antenna Matching Network (L15, R2 & L16) on your board.