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I have CC1125DK from TI. In the smart RF studio, what values should I enter in the corresponding fields to achieve good distance between transmitter and receiver fields.
1. Carrier Frequency
2. Xtal Frequency
3. Symbol rate
4. RX Filter BW
5. Modulation Format
6. Deviation frequency
please help me out here as I am working on how much distance these devices can communicate.
1) The carrier frequency is normally set by which frequencies you are allowed to send on in the region you are going to use the device. From a range perspective, you need to select the frequency with lowest possible background noise.
2) Not relevant
3) - 6) The sensitivity is better for low datarates and low RX BW. Note that this will most likely require a TCXO. I would starr with the settings with lowest datarate in SmartRF Studio for testing.,
I kept data rate at 0.3 and lowest values possible for RX BW and deviation frequency. The distance i got is approximately 125 meters.
The development kit comes with a development board TrxEB, CC1125EM CAT 1 chip and a kit antenna. Do I need anything apart from this.
You don't need anything more but you have to check that you don't have any frequency offset between the TX and RX side before testing.
Also use the 300 bps setting provided without any other changes than the carrier frequency.
You also have to measure the background noise (set on of the boards in cont RX using SmartRF Studio and read the RSSI while the other board is turned off)
The board in question has a TCXO, please check the schematic. The answer was on generic basis
I have 300bps. The RX BW FIlter is 3.551 kHz and deviation frequency is 0.009537 kHz. I started the device in continuous RX mode.
I have these values RSSI : -133dBm
RSSI offset : 102
Ok, background noise is good. But I asked you to use the 300 bps setting from SmartRF Studio and NOT change RX BW and deviation.
Two up from the line that is marked with blue you have a 300 bps/ 6.25 kHz RX BW you can test with.
I think the maximum range the board can communicate is 100 meters. I tried all the in built configurations and nothing works farther than 150 meters.
It sounds like something strange is going on in the tests since you should be able to get more range than 100 m. Do you get any difference at all for the different settings?
In only one test I got 150 meters. Apart from that, everything is like 10 to 50 meters. What I do is, select continuous rx on one device and continuous tx on other device. Then I will test all the configurations one by one.
Why do you use cont. mode for this?
Normally the tests is done using packetTx/ PacketRx.
In continuous mode, I would see the db rating as I go longer distance. Maybe I will test with Packet Tx/Packet Rx now.