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CC1190: CC1190EM evaluation module - impedance match LNA / PA modes

Part Number: CC1190
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310, CC1101


I'm looking at optimising the impedance match on a custom CC1190 front-end based design and I'm looking at the data-sheet regarding the input impedances measured on a CC1190EM in LNA mode (Rx active) and in PA mode (Tx active), Figure 5 and Figure 10 respectively. These measurements are however at 915MHz whereas our radio operates at 869MHz.

What should we be looking at having as input impedance at 869MHz in LNA and in PA mode ?

Is there any reason that the match was not designed for 50 Ω on the SMA connector ?

At 915MHz in LNA mode the impedance looks more like 37+ j20 Ω, and for the PA mode it switches to 27 – j11 Ω

Our custom requirements for compatibility with as broad a range of antennas as possible ie dipoles, monopoles and various ceramic antennas makes us lean more towards a target match to 50 Ω or as close as possible …

Currently we have a match in LNA mode that is close to 50 Ω, and in PA mode we measure about 26.8dBm output power which seems to suggest a reasonable match to 50Ω ...

Could you please clarify the motivation for these impedances on the CC1190EM and perhaps point us to a similar measurement for the 868MHz band if this exists for the 868MHz version of the CC1190EM ?

Looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,


  • - The LNA has a optimal source impedance that covers a fairly large area of the smith chart. The optimal load impedance for the PA covers a relative small area in the smith chart.

    - What is important is the load impedance (TX) and the source impedance (RX). Even for an LNA it's not given that the optimal source impedance is a conjugated match of the impedance seen into the LNA input. Put differently, even if you see a given impedance in the match is designed to give optimal performance with 50 ohm in/ out on the antenna connector/ interface to a RF chip (for the EM PA_IN/ LNA_OUT).


    - The input impedance will be dependent on the output impedance and the other way around due to how the design is done. Therefore the performance/ BOM is to some extent dependent on what you use in combination with CC1190. Therefore I would also look a the reference designs we have with CC1190 + CC1190 and CC1310 + CC1190.  

    Do you get a different sensitivity than you expect since you ask? 

  • Hi TER,

    So essentially I'm not looking at re-tuning the source impedance of the LNA, but the end result that I would like to see is that in PA output mode (regardless of the load impedance, but let's say it's close to 50 Ohms) the output power that I'm getting is over 26,5dBm ouput power when switching on a carrier at full power (that is with about 7-8dBm on the PA input). This I can confirm easily as I can measure (and have done so) with a spectrum analyser.

    The source impedance on the LNA, well as I guessed it's a little more tricky, but again I'd prefer it to be closer to 50 Ohms when I look into the SMA. From what it sound like, is that you say the end goal is best to take as the sensitivity. So do you suggest that I should take the sensitivity measured as an optimising goal rather ... This will be tricky to tune it this way as it's not directly measurable with an instrument like a VNA etc... whereas I can measure the output power easily to see if I get expected output power close to 27dBm.

    The SMA load will be mainly a dipole antenna like the ones from Nearson C463AM-860 and the C463AM-925 which are specified as 50 Ohms nominal with SWR < 2:1. Then there are some 1/4-wave monopoles from Linx  and/or SamWoo and some specific internal antennas for which we may require a specific LC tuning circuit to get closer to a 50 Ohms than it would be otherwise with nothing ....

    Regards, Mike

  • Ideally all designs that use CC1190 should be measured using source- and load pull where the sensitivity and output power + harmonics are measured as a function of loads that cover the wanted section of the smith chart. For designs that follows the reference design this is not required but since you deviate from the stack-up used in the reference design this applied to you.

    Would you be able to get hold of a line stretcher for a few days and see how the performance change depending on where you are in the smith chart? 

    For RX, I would use the sensitivity as an indication. We have typically seen 3 dBm improvement (+ 3 dB loss in the SAW filter) compared to the datasheet numbers.

    For TX: I would also check the harmonics and the power consumption since these change depending on where you are in the smith chart. 

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately we won't have the time to do these type of measurements and accessibility to a suitable variable delay is not guaranteed in any case.

    Given the situation, the tuning aspect is really optional for the moment and its going to be more practical to check harmonics for PA mode and RSSI level for Rx mode which are more readily measurable, and then make relative comparisons with previous PCBs or an evaluation card. Problem of having these non 50 Ohms optimal impedance for Rx and Tx modes, is that adding an extra length of coaxial to the SMA connector on the CC1190EM will move these points around the SC quite a bit... which was my initial motivation for looking at getting both modes closer to a 50 Ohm even though this isn't the most optimal from a datasheet performance point of view … We have some antennas with pig-tailed 50 Ohm coaxials with a pre-cut length already planned for use ...

    BTW is the CC1190EM that is mentioned in the datasheet still an active "part" or is it no longer available ?



  • The CC1190EM was used when CC1190 was new to verify the part but it has not been available for years due to some of the reasons listed in my last post. 

    As said, I believe that you should treat the input and output (antenna connector) as 50 ohm point. At least this is possible on the reference design. Since you had issues with the SMA connector impedance it's something strange going on with your board since the antenna output should be a 50 ohm connection and if you add a 50 ohm connection to this it should not affect the performance. When we do testing on CC1190 based boards we add 1m + coax to do measurements without issues. 

  • TER said:

    The CC1190EM was used when CC1190 was new to verify the part but it has not been available for years due to some of the reasons listed in my last post. 

    Ok no problems, I found a CC1101 + CC1190 Eval Board that we had from way back ...

    TER said:

    As said, I believe that you should treat the input and output (antenna connector) as 50 ohm point. At least this is possible on the reference design. Since you had issues with the SMA connector impedance it's something strange going on with your board since the antenna output should be a 50 ohm connection and if you add a 50 ohm connection to this it should not affect the performance. When we do testing on CC1190 based boards we add 1m + coax to do measurements without issues. 

    The SMA connector impedance was very specific to our PCB geometry (not being that close to the 4-layer eval board due to our product case design). However this was overcome by switching to an MMCX and now we have pretty much a 50 ohm connection all the way to the first passive component on the front-end input ...

    I have been able to look at some harmonics for the custom tune that is closer to a 50 ohm load/source and I'm getting about 5db more on the third harmonic, but still less than the second harmonic with respect to all previous PCBs we've looked at using the CC1190.

    The RSSI is about 1dB better for the same input power, but this might just be within tolerances...

    And overall the impedance on the 100mm MMCX to the SMA extension we use is looking fairly good for most off-the-shelf antennas we plan to use (hopefully) as shown for the LNA and PA modes separately in purple and orange below :

