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CC1120: Adjacent Channel leakage Power Standard

Part Number: CC1120

Hello exxperts,

I got question about Adjacent Channel leakage Power for CC1120.
To meet standard, customer need to secure 70dB at 25kHz away (ARIB RCR STD-42).
The system will use 1200bps signal.
Does CC1120 have the capability to meet this standard?

Thanks and best regards,
Ryo Akashi
  • Please see The blocking in the alternate channel for 1.2 kbps is given as 54 dB. Also see  which outline some of the best blocking that is possible to achieve. 

  • Hello TER-san,

    Thank you for your reply.
    Is Bloking performance is same as ACP performance?
    I'm sorry I don't understand your advice.
    I'm not familiar with wireless solution, could you tell me the detail?

    Also, customer want to use 274~320MHz.
    Is there evaluation board which support 274~320MHz?

    Thanks and best regards,
    Ryo Akashi
  • I gave you the selectivity numbers which is different than the ACP numbers.

    But when I measure ACP, it's normally in dBm or dBc. Is it specified how to measure it in the standard or if it's dBc or something else?

  • Hello TER-san,

    I asked to customer.
    Customer said the value is dB.
    Unfortunately, the standard manual is Japanese only.

    They said the value is measured with spectra analyzer with ACP mode.
    Also, required ACP value is -56dB.

    Is it possible to give me the comment whether CC1120 can support the standard or not?

    Thanks and best reragds,
    Ryo Akashi
  • Hello TER-san,

    Could you give me response?

    Thanks and best regards,
    Ryo Akashi
  • Hi,

    I don't think we have these numbers in the datasheet so I would need to do some measurements. Which data rate and deviation is this?

    I'm not sure if I fully understand the spec. In the first post you wrote " need to secure 70dB at 25kHz away" but then you wrote "Also, required ACP value is -56dB." Is 70 dB at the edge?

    Do you have a figure that shows how this should be measured and the limits? ST T-108 has some good figures on the ACP limits, does STD-42 have the same?