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CC3235MODS: WIFI module sends TCP handshake request to TCP server failed

Part Number: CC3235MODS


we use CC3235Mods and the latest SDK to connect to the TCP server every 30 seconds, we monitor the handshake request by wireshark, we found sometimes the CC3235Mods didn't send out the handshake request, and we read the error code is -123 when we created the socket.

for verification, we add the ping server function in our project, when CC3235Mods ping server and return seccuss, we monitor the ping packet by wireshark, we didn't see any ping packt in the wireshark,  so why CC3235Mods didn't send out any ICMP packets, but SDK return ping server success? 

so why CC3235Mods didn't send out the handshake request to server, and why there is no ICMP packets, but the SDK tell us we had ping server successfully?

  • The -123 return code is something i'm not familiar with. Are you using the latest SP (4.13)? 

    Which API returns the -123? (sl_Connect?)

    Are you using the wireshark over the air (showing 802.11 packets) or on the server? Can you provide the (unfiltered) log?

    Regarding the ICMP - the only reasonable option is that the wireshark missed the packets (i guess you didn't see both the icmp request and response, right?).