CC3200: CC3200 IAR project migration

Part Number: CC3200



working on CC3200 project migration, but facing lot of issue

is there any dependency chart available, which suggest below parameters

1. IAR version (8.2 above ?)

2. linker & other standard files to include

3. Service pack version

4. SDK compatibility

5. Is there any ES1.XX is a production silicon version dependency?

is there any IAR based sample project available for same?


  • you should refer to the CC3200 SDK (latest one is 1.50) -

    Check the Release Notes for versions info.

    what kind of migration are you doing?

    is this a new project? (CC3200 is a very old device with an SDK that is not recommended for new designs). 

  • Hi kobi,

    Thanks for reply,

    Older design, just want to upgrade few software features

    Using IAR compiler and SDK as per release notes of 1.5, for building  existing project but facing lot of issues...related to missing libraries and other dependency file

    Is there any compatibility document 

    Let me know, if any pin compatible new chip from TI, to think ahead?

  • I'm not sure what is "compatibility document" and don't understand what was the base of your original code that you are porting and what issues you are facing.

    You can check an example from the SDK 1.50 as is and check the differences from your project.

    CC3220/35 are mostly pin compatible with CC3200 (with some minor updates e.g. "Force_AP" line was dropped).