CC3235S: CC3235S Custom board Weird behaviour

Part Number: CC3235S


Hi folks,

I've designed a custom Wi-Fi board using the CC3235S chip. Upon powering up, the board operates correctly and I can see the expected 1.2V and 1.9V on the DCDC_DIG and DCDC_ANA outputs..

However, I'm encountering an issue with the reset pin. The board's behavior seems to depend on the duration of the reset period. If the reset duration is very short, the chip boots up properly and the voltages on the DCDC pins are as expected. But if the reset duration is longer (e.g., 1 or 2 seconds), the chip fails to boot up after the reset is released.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any insights?



  • Hey Saber,

    I have assigned this thread to one of out HW experts to support. Please allow them until tomorrow to respond.

  • Hey Saber,

    Can you please give me more details regarding your custom board? a schematic is preferable.
    Also, can you please elaborate on all the actions that you're trying to perform? what are you doing prior and after asserting the reset? In what environment? etc.

    Moreover, when using the nRESET pin, few things need to be taken into account:
    - The nRESET pin of the CC3235x device must be held low until the VBAT supply to the device is
    driven and stable.
    - For 1st time power-up the nRESET timing after VBAT and VIO supply are stable must be 1 msec.
    Please see 1st time power-up timing tables described in chapter 8 within the datasheet.
    I also recommend looking into the device's user's guide for further information.
    Both datasheet and the device's users guide can be found in the product page within our website:

