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Linux/WILINK8-WIFI-NLCP: BLE Advertising is getting delayed over continuous testing


Tool/software: Linux


One my customers facing the delayed Advertisement after continuous testing(around 20secs delay) . Following are the details:

Please find observations below, regarding an issue "Ble advertising is getting delayed when continuously tested with remote BLE device(ios, android mobile phones)"

        SDK: -TI Blutopia version:-
        Hardware Module used:- TI WiLink(wifi+bt)
        Remote Ble Devices:- Elika application on mobile phone(ios, android)
        Application used from Device:- SmartAccessControl (based on sample app given with Blutopia SDK(LinuxGatm_SRV.c))

        Use case:-
        1. Device initializes Blutopia stack, as well platform manager(SS1BTPM).
        API CALL:-
                BTPM_Initialize((unsigned long)getpid(), NULL, ServerUnRegistrationCallback, NULL);
                DEVM_RegisterEventCallback(DEVM_Event_Callback, NULL));
                        Initializing the Elika Bluetopia
                        BTPM_Initialize() Success: 0.
                        DEVM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 5.
                        BT COMM PORT (/dev/ttymxc2): 1
                        Changing HCI baud rate to 3000000
                        Status: Executing BTS Script /lib/firmware/TIInit_11.8.32.bts.
                        Status: BTS Script successfully executed.
                        DEVM_PowerOnDevice() Success: 0.
        2. The device starts advertising with device capabilities, services and mac-address associated with the device.
        API CALL:-                DEVM_UpdateLocalDeviceProperties(DEVM_UPDATE_LOCAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_DISCOVERABLE_MODE, &LocalDeviceProperties));
                -GET LOCAL PROPERTIES:-
                -REgister Call Back:-
                 GATM_RegisterEventCallback(GATM_Event_Callback, NULL));
                Attempting to set Discoverability Mode: General.
                DEVM_UpdateLocalDeviceProperties() Success: 0.
                Local Device Properties Changed.
                Disc. Mode:   TRUE , 0x00000001
                 DEVM_QueryLocalDeviceProperties() Success: 0.
                GATM_RegisterEventCallback() Success: 1.
                DEVM_UpdateLocalDeviceProperties() Success: 0.

        3. The remote device (mobile phone) discovers advertisement from the device, matches preconfigured mac, and connects over BLE.

                Remote Device Found.
                BD_ADDR:             527970E4648F
                Address Type:        Resolvable Random Address.
                Device Name:
                LE Type:             Single Mode
                Device Flags:        0x40008000
                LE RSSI:             0
                LE Paired State :    FALSE
                LE Connect State:    TRUE
                LE Encrypt State:    FALSE
                GATT Services Known: FALSE

                Remote Device Properties Changed.
                BD_ADDR:             527970E4648F
                Address Type:        Resolvable Random Address.
                LE Type:             Single Mode
                Device Flags:        0x40008000
                LE Connect State:    TRUE


                GATT Connection Event
                Ble Internal MEssage Received
                ->Remote Device is Connected Now
        7. Device initiates disconnection with the remote device. As soon as the disconnection device starts advertising again.
        API:-DEVM_DisconnectRemoteDevice(BD_ADDR, DisconnectFlags));
                Disconnecting the Device
                Attempting to Disconnect Remote Device.
                DEVM_DisconnectRemoteDevice() Success: 0.

                Connection Type: LE
                Remote Address:  4D89A568183B

                Local Device Properties Changed.
                Device Flags: 0x80000000
                LE Scan Mode:    FALSE, 0x00000000
                LE Adv Mode:     FALSE, 0x00000000
                LE Slv Mode:     Not in Slave Mode

                Remote Device Properties Changed.
                BD_ADDR:             4D89A568183B
                Address Type:        Resolvable Random Address.
                LE Type:             Single Mode
                Device Flags:        0x40000000
                LE Connect State:    FALSE
                Ble Internal MEssage Received
                -> Remote Device Disconnected

                 Local Device Properties Changed.
                Device Flags: 0xC0020000
                LE Scan Mode:    FALSE, 0x00000000
                LE Adv Mode:     TRUE, 0x000927C0
                LE Slv Mode:     In Slave Mode

                LE Advertising Started.
                 DEVM_StartAdvertising() Success: Duration 600000 seconds.

NON Working Case:-

             BLE advertising is getting delayed (20 secs).
             2018-02-26 19:19:18] GATM_Event_Callback:
[2018-02-26 19:19:18]     Connection Type: LE
[2018-02-26 19:19:18]     Remote Address:  43CD31D7F59E
[2018-02-26 19:19:18]     New MTU:         100
[2018-02-26 19:19:18] Disconnecting the Device
[2018-02-26 19:19:18] Attempting to Disconnect Remote Device: .
[2018-02-26 19:19:18] DEVM_DisconnectRemoteDevice() Success: 0.

2018-02-26 19:19:38] Local Device Properties Changed.
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] Device Flags: 0x80000000
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] LE Scan Mode:    FALSE, 0x00000000
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] LE Adv Mode:     FALSE, 0x00000000
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] LE Slv Mode:     Not in Slave Mode
[2018-02-26 19:19:38]
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] Remote Device Properties Changed.
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] BD_ADDR:             43CD31D7F59E
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] Address Type:        Resolvable Random Address.
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] LE Type:             Single Mode
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] Device Flags:        0x40000000
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] LE Connect State:    FALSE
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] Ble Internal MEssage Received
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] -> Remote Device Disconnected
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] DEVM_StartAdvertising() Success: Duration 600000 seconds.
[2018-02-26 19:19:38] ->Device Started Advertising Again.

More information/observations:

       - The issue observed with both  Android and iPhone, but more frequent and re-creatable in Android.

       -  Mobile phones used Moto g4  with Android 6 (Marshmellow), and Moto g5 plus with Android 7 (Nougat).

        -The disconnect event we are initiating from the target (BLE device), not from the smartphone



Attaching the BT logs as well.

Can you please help on this/suggest to avoid this delay ?

Best Regards,
