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TIDC-WL1837MOD-AUDIO-MULTIROOM-CAPE: PCM CLock jitter @ 2MHz ,BT as master

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: WL1837

Hi,  all

     our customer used our module(WL1837), and configued the WL1837's BT as the master

if   the PCM-CLK configued to 2MHz(or 1MHz), there is  a jitter cr ossing with the PCM_CLK(on calling).

and  if configued to 256KHz(or  512KHz),the PCM-CLK is OK. 

The issue is the same when  we used the TI’S WL1837 EVB(configued to 2048 and set loopback mode ) 

So if the PCM_CLK  of  WL1837 chipset  can’t support  the high  frequence (>512KHz)  when  BT configured to be master?

or there are other  reasons? 

Expect  your  reply  ,TKS