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CC2564MODNEM: Issues about CC2564 HFPAGDemo

Part Number: CC2564MODNEM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564

Dear TI Engineer,

I am a software engineer from a Chinese company, I have some issues when porting CC2564 HFPAGDemo on a cortex-m mcu like smt32, and the evk is cc2564modnem, I have verified my hardware by a3dpdemo_sink and a3dpdemo_src, so the i2s and uart interfaces is works well, but when I running HFPAGDemo,the headset links well, and the uart output logs  look like the same with which shows on ti-wiki(’s_Bluetooth_Stack_Basic_HFGAGDemo_APP), but I can't heared any sound form headset or CC2564modnem, the logs showed below:

Please  give any ideas or suggestions?

SHELL>> bt start

Start BT App... OpenStack().


HCI_VS_InitializeAfterHCIReset Success

Bluetooth Stack ID: 1

WBS Support initialized.

Device Chipset: 4.1

BTPS Version :

Project Type : 6

FW Version : 7.26

App Name : HFPAGDemo

App Version : 0.1



GAP_Set_Discoverability_Mode(dmGeneralDiscoverable, 0).


GAP_Register_Remote_Authentication() Success.


*Command Options: Inquiry, DisplayInquiryList, Pair, *

* EndPairing, PINCodeResponse, PassKeyResponse, *

* UserConfirmationResponse, *

* SetDiscoverabilityMode, SetConnectabilityMode,*

* SetPairabilityMode, * * ChangeSimplePairingParameters, *

* GetLocalAddress, SetLocalName, GetLocalName, *

* SetClassOfDevice, GetClassOfDevice, *

* GetRemoteName, ManageAudio, *

* OpenAudioGatewayClient, CloseAgClient, *

* ServiceDiscovery, UpdateControlIndicators, *

* CallWaiting, SendCallerIdNotification, *

* SetRingIndication, RingIndication, *

* SetVoiceRecognitionActivation, *

* SetSpeakerGain, SetMicroPhoneGain, *

* DisableRemoteSoundEnhancement, *

* SendOperatorInfo, SendIncomingCallState, *

* SendSubNumber, SendCallList, *

* Help *


HFAGRE16>SHELL>> bt inquiry

BT cmd:inquiry Return Value is 0 GAP_Perform_Inquiry() SUCCESS.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> GAP Inquiry Entry Result: 0xA000A000B5EA.

HFAGRE16> GAP_Inquiry_Result: 1 Found.

GAP Inquiry Result: 1, 0xA000A000B5EA.

HFAGRE16>bt ServiceDiscovery 1 12

BT cmd:ServiceDiscovery 1 12

SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request(Handsfree) Success.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> SDP Service Search Attribute Response Received (Size = 0x0010)

Service Record: 1:

Attribute ID 0x0000 Type:

Unsigned Int = 0x00010000

Attribute ID 0x0001

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: UUID_16 = 0x111E

Type: UUID_16 = 0x1203

Attribute ID 0x0004

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: UUID_16 = 0x0100

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: UUID_16 = 0x0003

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x02

Attribute ID 0x0005

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: UUID_16 = 0x1002

Attribute ID 0x0006

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x656E

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x006A

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0100

Attribute ID 0x0009

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: Data Element Sequence

Type: UUID_16 = 0x111E

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0106

Attribute ID 0x0100

Type: Text String = Hands-Free unit

Attribute ID 0x0311

Type: Unsigned Int = 0x001F

HFAGRE16>bt OpenAudioGatewayClient 1 2

BT cmd:OpenAudioGatewayClient 1 2

Bluetooth Device Address: 0xA000A000B5EA

Open Remote HandsFree Port = 0002

HFRE_Open_Remote_HandsFree_Port: Function Successful ID = 0001.

OpenRemoteHandsFreePort: HFRE_Update_Current_Control_Indicator_Status Function Status 0.


atPINCodeRequest: 0xA000A000B5EA

Respond with the command: PINCodeResponse

HFAGRE16>bt PINCodeResponse 0000

BT cmd:PINCodeResponse 0000 PINCodeResponse.

GAP_Authentication_Response(), Pin Code Response Success.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> atLinkKeyCreation: 0xA000A000B5EA

Link Key: 0x0C276F4DBE47B8FD151C0D99B50AB240

Link Key Stored locally.

HFAGRE16> HFRE Open Port Confirmation, ID: 0x0001, Status: 0x0000.

HFAGRE16> HFRE Open Service Level Connection Indication, ID: 0x0001

RemoteSupportedFeaturesValid: TRUE

RemoteSupportedFeatures: 0x0000001F

RemoteCallHoldMultipartySupport: 0x00000000

HFRE_Enable Call Line Identification

HFAGRE16>HFRE Call Waiting Notification Activation Indication, ID: 0x0001, Enabled: TRUE.

HFAGRE16>HFRE Call Line Identification Notification Activation Indication, ID: 0x0001, Enabled: TRUE.

HFAGRE16> Unknown HFRE Event Received: 11.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> bt RingIndication

BT cmd:RingIndication HFRE_Ring_Indication: Function Successful.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> bt SendCallerIdNotification +9198787899889

BT cmd:SendCallerIdNotification +9198787899889

HFRE_Send_Call_Line_Identification_Notification: Function Successful.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> bt ManageAudio 1

BT cmd:ManageAudio 1

HFRE_Setup_Audio_Connection: Function Successful.

HFAGRE16>SHELL>> HFRE Audio Connection Indication, ID: 0x0001, Status: 0x0000.