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CC3135: Support level for CC3135

Part Number: CC3135

Is there a good reason that TI isn't supporting the CC3135 with a proper SDK? Customers are having to piecemeal a solution. The different SDKs that need to come together in order to use the CC3135 don't provide a meaningful nortos example. 

Does CC3135 have a future? I'm hesitant to incorporate it.


  • Hi Antonio,

    CC3135 definitely has a future and is a device that we are continuing to support.

    Since the CC3135 device is a network processor, the challenge in providing a full SDK is that many of the software components depend on and need to come from a separate host processor SDK. The main software components that are directly related to the CC3135 device are the SimpleLink Wi-Fi host driver and the servicepack (firmware patches). These are maintained and tested regularly when we release updates for the CC32xx SDK. The CC3135 and CC3235 use the same servicepack and host driver code. The host driver just needs to be ported to your host platform in order to use it as a Wi-Fi network processor peripheral in your system.

    Best Regards,

    Ben M