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Part Number: CC3120BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP432E401Y, CC31XXEMUBOOST, CC3120


I had ordered a bundle "SIMPLELINK-ETHERNET-WIFI".

It consists of two boards CC3120BOOST and MSP-EXP432E401Y.

I had placed the ordered after looking up several different offerings from TI around bundling of CC3120BOOST.

Nowhere on the TI web site in these introductory pages, did it emerge that CC31XXEMUBOOST is a must.

Rather if one reads up the descriptions available at the URL "", one will readily assume that if he is procuring a bundled MCU, like the MSP-EXP432E401Y, along with CC3120BOOST, the CC31XXEMUBOOST is not required.  These pages simply say that CC31XXEMUBOOST is required if one wants to emulate an MCU with their PC.

And if one goes to the URL "" one comes across the bundle "SIMPLELINK-ETHERNET-WIFI", which does not include CC31XXEMUBOOST.

However, in order to work with this bundle one needs to have another board too, which is "CC31XXEMUBOOST".  This board is required to program CC3120BOOST, before it can be used with MSP-EXP432E401Y.  And one gets to know this only after the above bundle has been shipped and one reads the documentation related to working with the MSP-EXP432401Y and CC3120BOOST.The document is "swru467.pdf" (SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3120 Internet-on-a-chip Soluction SDK Getting Started Guide), and the relevant sections are 5.1, 4 and 3.1.

Finally I am stuck.  I have procured a bundle believing that it will be sufficient in itself and nothing more will be required.  But now I can't proceed to use it unless I procure CC31XXEMUBOOST too.

Looking forward to a quick resolution from TI, so that I can use the bundle that I purchased without losing any more time.



Neeraj Sallh