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CC3200-LAUNCHXL: WLAN_STATION example not working

Part Number: CC3200-LAUNCHXL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3100, CC3200, CC3200SDK


I have already gone through all the forums regarding this issue. But couldn't find any solution except that I should get the new board. WLAN_STATION example doesn't want to get connect to an AP . The red led keeps on blinking. I checked all parameters of my AP in common.h file. Everything seems fine. Do i have to update anything or its the problem with the hardware



  • Hi Charu,

    I will try running the example and get back to you about my findings. In the mean time, please tell me what SDK and service pack you're using.

  • Hi Jesu,

    I am using CC3100_CC3200_ServicePack_1.0.1.11- and CC3200SDK_1.3.0. And one more thing when I tried the serial wifi example I could connect to my AP  using local control mode.



  • Hi Charu,

    It seems like you're stuck in the "waiting for connection loop" after the program calls sl_WlanConnect. This typically happens when users don't put the correct AP parameters. Please verify the parameters in the common.h file.

  • I tried with 3 different AP's but again the same problem it doesn't want to connect..

  • Hi Charu,

    This is very odd. Could you tell me the rev (version) of the launchpad you're using and the full part number of the die?

  • Hi Jesu,

    here are the launchpad details:


    FCC ID: Z64-CC3200KITA

    IC ID:451I-CC3200KITA



  • Hi Charu,

    We are using the same version launchpad. You have the correct service pack installed on device, latest SDK, you confirmed your AP configurations are correct. That is all that I did to get this example running.

    What AP are you using? Also, are you using secured network?

  • Hi Charu,

    I thought the IDs you provided indicate the part number your actual chip but it does not. I learned it has to do with certification. Anyway, could you answer my original question? I need the full part number of the die and the launchpad version.


  • Hi Jesu,

    Part number: CC3200R1 M2

    Launchpad version: Rev 4.1



  • Hi Jesu,
    Few days back everything worked fine . I was trying the wifi audio example but after i formatted it and then again flash the program it doesn't want to connect to the same AP . I tried using both open and WPA security. But this is strange to me that when I tried serial wifi example it does connect to the AP because we manually gave the command in local control mode that is wlan_connect [ssid] [type] [Sec] [User] [key]
  • Hi Jesu,
    I was trying WLAN_STATION example again and I observed that by default SSID name is "CC3200demo" in common.h file and when when I change my AP'S name to cc3200demo it does connect and example works fine but for any other name it doesn't work. I am unable to understand why this is happening.
  • Hi Charu,

    This really doesn't make sense. Formatting the device shouldn't have anything to do with the NWP as that pertains to the external flash. Make sure you program the latest service pack after flashing as that may erase the original contents. The name of the AP should not have anything to do with it either. As long as you setup the AP parameters in the common.h file (ie: SSID_NAME, SECURITY_TYPE and SECURITY_KEY) it should work). Also make sure the name of the AP does not exceed the SSID_LEN_MAX which is 32 by default. The fact that it works under default name but doesn't work with your custom name suggests your doing something wrong on AP side or common.h side.

  • Hi Jesu,

    Yes, I agree with Jesu. I am almost 100% sure, that your common.h is not properly configured.

    Maybe you can add at beginning of your code printf of connection parameters, to be sure that your code is compiled with right parameters. Also you make sure that you are not using prohibited characters in SSID and your password have proper length.

    From specification: The SSID can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric, case-sensitive, characters. The first character cannot be the !, #, or ; character. The +, ], /, ", TAB, and trailing spaces are invalid characters for SSIDs.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. I just tried wifi audio example by making one board in station and other as an access point. The example is working but after sometime station gets disconnected from access point. I don't understand why this is happening and also the sound is not consistent.

    Actually I wanted to power the board using external power supply . So by mistake I gave 5V to J20 instead of J19. Can this be a problem the station keeps on disconnecting from AP.



  • Hi Charu,

    Connecting 5V to VCC on J20 could damage the device especially if you have the J12 jumpers on. While I cannot say for certain that is your problem that could definitely cause problems. Have you tried to check the SimpleLinkWlanEventHandler when a disconnect happens? If you get a SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_EVENT you can check the reason by checking pEventData->reason_code.


  • Hi Jesu,

    I tried the wifi audio example where I am using one board as AP and other as station. And after some time (not always same) station gets disconnected from AP giving error [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]. I am attaching my NWP log files for both AP and station. Please let me know what went wrong.



    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    Connection established w/ AP and IP is aquired 
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB, BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab on an ERROR..!! 
    Volume: 50 reg: 222 222
    Volume: 50 reg: 128 0
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB , BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    Connection established w/ AP and IP is aquired 
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB, BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab on an ERROR..!! 
    Volume: 50 reg: 222 222
    Volume: 50 reg: 128 0
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB , BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    Connection established w/ AP and IP is aquired 
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB, BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab on an ERROR..!! 
    Volume: 50 reg: 222 222
    Volume: 50 reg: 128 0
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB , BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=
    Connection established w/ AP and IP is aquired 
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: mysimplelink-55ADAB, BSSID: d4:36:39:55:ad:ab on an ERROR..!! 
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP leased to a client
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    Volume: 50 reg: 222 222
    Volume: 50 reg: 128 0
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
    Switching to AP mode on application request
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
    Re-started SimpleLink Device: AP Mode
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP leased to a client
    Unable to unregister MDNS service
    Volume: 50 reg: 222 222
    Volume: 50 reg: 128 0
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
    Switching to AP mode on application request
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
    Re-started SimpleLink Device: AP Mode
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP leased to a client
    Unable to unregister MDNS service

  • Hi,

    I tried the serial wifi example and its working fine. I configured one board as station and other as AP. It seems to work fine. But I don't know what's wrong with wifi audio example.Sometimes station also disconnects from AP when I press switch 3 and sometimes it does on its own. Can there be a problem in the hardware as in something is broken?


  • Hi Charu,

    I checked your NWP logs - did not get anything meaningful. Could you try running an SDK example and send me the NWP logs for it? Would like to verify you're capturing logs correctly.

  • Hi Jesu,

    I am attaching logs for serial wifi  SDK example. When I connect board 1 to my mobile hotspot it gets connected but when I tried connected board 2 to the same AP it gives error. A month ago when I tried this example it was not giving any error. I don't know what's wrong now.


    Charu Singh

    		       CC3200 SERIAL WiFi Application       
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
    >>> Attempting to auto connect to AP
    >>> Attempting to acquire IP
    >>> [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: 1234 , BSSID: 2:1a:11:fa:3b:10
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-109] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-109] Sender=[5]
    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: 1234, BSSID: 2:1a:11:fa:3b:10 on an ERROR..!! 
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-109] Sender=[5]
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: 1234 , BSSID: 2:1a:11:fa:3b:10
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
    >>> Entered INTERPRETER mode
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    		       CC3200 SERIAL WiFi Application       
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
    >>> Attempting to auto connect to AP
    >>> Attempting to acquire IP
    >>> Connection Unsuccessful.
    >>> Connect to the AP using local control mode(\\<)
    >>> [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    		       CC3200 SERIAL WiFi Application       
    Host Driver Version:
    Build Version
    Device is configured in default state 
    Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
    >>> Attempting to auto connect to AP
    >>> Attempting to acquire IP
    >>> Connection Unsuccessful.
    >>> Connect to the AP using local control mode(\\<)
    >>> \\<
    >>> Entered LOCAL CONTROL mode
    >>> wlan_connect 1234 0 0
    >>> [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]
    [GENERAL EVENT] - ID=[-102] Sender=[5]

  • Hi Charu,

    Just checked the latest NWP logs you sent me and it's still garbage data. Did you follow these steps for setting up the logger? If you did, I'm afraid you did in fact damage your HW when you wired it incorrectly.


  • Hi Jesu,

    I am so sorry actually I was using wrong baud rate. Here are the logs of the serial wifi example where one board connects successfully but other doesn't. And one more thing i would like to tell you is when I configure one of the board in AP it's signal strength is poor .




  • Hi Charu,

    The logs you sent are still no good.

    Are you using EMUBOOST to capture logs? In Teraterm when you save it do you un check all options except binary? You included the lines of code necessary in the pinmux file? 


    Make sure the application on the CC3200 does not start until the logger terminal is setup.


  • Hi Jesu,

    Just I need to comment this. Charu did not do all needed steps to capture NWP log:
    - he is still connected to the UART for a terminal not to TX pin for NWP log
    - maybe pinmux is not properly configured (who knows)

    - At this answer he sends terminal log ( )
    - At this answer he send terminal log but with wrong baud-rate ( ).

    Concision: He need to use TX pin for NWP log not for terminal UART.
