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Compiler/CC3220S: IAR linker issue with memory placement

Part Number: CC3220S

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I use CC3220S with 256KB of RAM memory and have some issue with memory placement. 

IAR ELF Linker V7.80.1.28/LNX for ARM

Copyright 2007-2016 IAR Systems AB.

Config file (cfg.json) doesn't exist, using defaults

Error[Lp011]: section placement failed

            unable to place Block P3-P4-1 (min size 0x795, align 0x8) in:


Calculated free space in range <[0x2003e6d4-0x2003f7ef]> is equal to 0x111B, which definitely bigger than Block P3-P4-1 min size 0x795. So even despite the fact that overall memory utilization is around 99% (259963 of 262144) but it still enough free space to allocate additional block P3-P4-1.

I didn't managed to find any particular info in TI and IAR documents, so I would be very grateful if anyone can help with clarifying details or pointing me to the resource about following questions:

1) What is the purpose of dividing memory into P3, P4 regions in map file?


"A0": place at end of [0x20004000-0x2003ffef] { block CSTACK };

"P3": place in [from 0x20004000 to 0x2003ffef] { ro };
"P4": place in [from 0x20004000 to 0x2003ffef] { rw, block HEAP };

And why actual regions are called different P3-P4 and P3-P4-1?



2) What could be a root cause of issue with placing P3-P4-1 even if memory seems to be enough?

"P3-P4", part 1 of 3:                      0x2bf40
  .text               ro code  0x20004040   0x2ef4  ds_network.o [2]
  .rodata             const    0x2002e6b0    0x4cc  d_network.o [14]
  Initializer bytes   const    0x2002eb7c    0x39f  <for P3-P4-1> (used: 0x38b)
  .text               ro code  0x2002fea8     0x28  data_init.o [50]
  .iar.init_table     const    0x2002fed0     0x38  - Linker created -
  .text               ro code  0x2002ff08     0x1a  cmain.o [50]
  .text               ro code  0x2002ff22      0x4  exit.o [4]
  .text               ro code  0x2002ff28      0xa  cexit.o [50]
  .text               ro code  0x2002ff34      0xc  XXexit.o [50]
  Initializer bytes   const    0x2002ff40      0xd  <for P1-1>
  .text               ro code  0x2002ff4e      0xc  cstartup_M.o [50]
  .rodata             const    0x2002ff80      0x0  rle_init_single.o [50]
                             - 0x2002ff80  0x2bf40

"P3-P4", part 2 of 3:                       0xe85c
  .bss                zero     0x2002ff80   0x6d78  heap_4.o [11]
  .bss                zero     0x2003e7d9      0x1  interrupt_event.o [7]
                             - 0x2003e7da   0xe85a

"A0":                                        0x800
  CSTACK                       0x2003f7f0    0x800  <Block>
    .stack            uninit   0x2003f7f0    0x800  startup_cc32xx_iar.o [52]
                             - 0x2003fff0    0x800

"P3-P4", part 3 of 3 (*** FAILED ***):       0x795
  P3-P4-1                                    0x795  <Init block>
    .data             inited                  0x78  diagnostic.o [17]
    .data             inited                   0x1  d_als.o [12]

B.R. Alex.