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LAUNCHXL-CC3235S: UART_write has no output on Terminal window

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC3235S

I used uartecho sample code and also write my own code to check whether CC3235 communicate to PC well via UART. But for both cases, there's no output on Teraterm Data port. I tried all baud rate settings 115200 and 921600, still has no output.Here's my code

void InitTerm(void)
    int8_t i;
    UART_Params uartParams;
    char frameNum[] = "100";
    char num_objs[] = "3";
    char x[] = "1";
    char y[] = "5";
    char n = '\n';

    /* Construct a Semaphore object */
        Semaphore_Params semParams;
        Semaphore_construct(&mmwaveSemStruct, 0, &semParams);
        mmwaveSemHandle = Semaphore_handle(&mmwaveSemStruct);


    uartParams.writeDataMode = UART_DATA_BINARY;
    uartParams.readDataMode = UART_DATA_BINARY;
    uartParams.readReturnMode = UART_RETURN_FULL;
    uartParams.readEcho = UART_ECHO_OFF;
    uartParams.baudRate = 115200;   //921600;

    uartHandle = UART_open(CONFIG_UART_0, &uartParams);
    /* remove uart receive from LPDS dependency */
    //UART_control(uartHandle, UART_CMD_RXDISABLE, NULL);
    if (uartHandle == NULL) {
            /* UART_open() failed */
            while (1);
            UART_write(uartHandle, frameNum, 4);
            UART_write(uartHandle, num_objs, 2);
            for(i=0; i<SMSGS_SENSOR_MMWAVE_MAX_OBJ; i++)
                UART_write(uartHandle, x, 4);
                UART_write(uartHandle, y, 4);
            UART_write(uartHandle, &n, 1);


void * mainThread(void *arg)


Why don't I get any data shown on Teraterm data port? Even though I used UART source code in SimpleLink SDK still don't see any data. Please help me handle it.

  • Hi Hector, 

    This is very odd. Could you verify the COM port number in the device manager? Keep in mind Launchpads have 2 COM port numbers on the device manager. Make sure you use the one labeled for UART. All examples are 115200 baud by default. These are my teraterm settings if it helps:
