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CCS/CC3235MODSF: Not able to store wifi credentials in flash.

Part Number: CC3235MODSF

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi TI,

I am using MQTT program (merged with OTA),  i want to use AP+SC feature of the wifi. here is my modified function...

 *  ======== initWiFi =======
 *  Start the NWP and connect to AP
static void initWiFi()
    /* Set connection variables to initial values */
      deviceConnected = false;
      ipAcquired = false;
      provisioning = true;

    int32_t status;
//    uint32_t currButton;
//    uint32_t prevButton = 0;

    status = sl_WifiConfig();
    if (status < 0) {
        /* sl_WifiConfig failed */
        IOT_INFO("sl_WifiConfig failed");
        while (1);

    /* Host driver starts the network processor */
    status = sl_Start(NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (status < 0) {
        /* Error: Could not initialize WiFi */
        IOT_INFO("Error: Could not initialize WiFi");
        while (1);

//    status = wlanConnect();
//    if ( status < 0) {
//        /* Error: Could not connect to WiFi AP */
//        IOT_INFO("Error: Could not connect to WiFi AP");
//        ASSERT_ON_ERROR(status);
//        while (1);
//    }

     * Wait for the WiFi to connect to an AP. If a profile for the AP in
     * use has not been stored yet, press Board_GPIO_BUTTON0 to start
     * provisioning.

    if ((deviceConnected != true) || (ipAcquired != true) || (provisioning == true))
            IOT_INFO("Waiting for provisioning...");

    while ((deviceConnected != true) || (ipAcquired != true) || (provisioning == true))
         *  Start provisioning if a button is pressed. This could be done with
         *  GPIO interrupts, but for simplicity polling is used to check the
         *  button.

         currButton = GPIO_read(CONFIG_GPIO_BUTTON_0);
         if ((currButton == 0) && (prevButton != 0)) {
         prevButton = currButton;


this is working well , i am able to give wifi credentials and it's getting connected as well. but whenever it's(CC3235MODSF) getting restart (RESET) , it's asking for the the credentials again every time. 

why it is not storing wifi credential in flash. and what i have to do for that?

please do let me know ?

Thanks in advance,

waiting for your response

sarju bhatnagar