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CC3200: Wifi keep connecting and disconnecting in virgin media router

Part Number: CC3200

Hi there,

             I found some situation while testing the CC3200 connectivity with virgin media router.

I am using virgin media router hub 3.0 and CC3200 client as a device to connect the virgin media router. Every 1 minute i am sending the ping message to "" and it also response back but the problem i found was it keeps on disconnecting and connecting the WiFi all the time.

I disable the 5GHz in router and enable only 2.4 GHz. But still it keeps connecting and disconnecting. I tested in "linksys cisco", teltronic 3G router and RPI3 as wifi hotspot and i did not find any problem in them.

Could you let us know what could be the problem.



  • Hi Ganesh,

    What error messages are you getting as part of the disconnect events from the wlanevent handler?

    Can you try setting the CC3200 into no-PSPOLL mode and see if that affects the behavior you are seeing? Some APs have an interop issue with devices that use PSPOLL packets to enter and exit 802.11 power saving mode such as the CC3200. With the following code you can disable the use of those packets:

            SlWlanNoPSPollMode_t NoPsPollMode;
            NoPsPollMode.Enable = 0;
    	 // disabling noPsPoll
            sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID, WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_NO_PS_POLL_MODE,sizeof(SlWlanNoPSPollMode_t),(_u8 *)& NoPsPollMode);

    Please let me know if that API helps with the behavior you are seeing.



  • Hi Michael,

    Its very random but every 6 minutes or 4 minutes AP disconnect the CC3200 and soon reconnect after 300ms.

    [WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP: XXXXX,BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx on an ERROR..!! 
    [WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: XXXXX,BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    [NETAPP EVENT] IP Acquired: IP= , Gateway=

    I am using SDK 1.3.0 and service pack is servicepack_1.0.1.11- and i could not find the config option 


    in SDK 1.3.0.



  • Hi Ganesh,

    Please update to the latest SDK and servicepack. The WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_NO_PS_POLL_MODE option will be present in wlan.h of the latest servicepack.



  • Hi Michael,

                     We have a situation is that the most of the product is in our customer side and we do not have mechanism to update the service pack at the moment.

    Is it possible to update the new SDK 1.5.0 only and using old service pack servicepack_1.0.1.11-

     Do we have other option?



  • Hi Ganesh,

    If you want to use this feature, you need to update ServicePack. According release notes this feature was implemented at ServicePack version Your ServicePack does not support this feature.

    I am not 100% sure, but if your application is not battery powered, maybe you can try to set always on power policy. Maybe this can improve your issue.


  • Hi Jan,

               Thanks.  After setting always on power policy, it solved the problem. I tested for about an hour now and i did not find any disconnection and connection problem.

