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setting Beacon Request interval time in CC2650 zigbee

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650, CC2531, CC2538

hi all,

we need setting  Beacon Request interval time in my CC2650 zstack.

we need build a mobile device for our product that will be level and re-join network.

so , that will need function to  

change the beacon request time

start and stop beacon request.

i see follow  follow post about this,that is change the f8wConfig.cfg(that only for CC2531/CC2538 device)

and the interval time only 255 mSec,


/* Mask for the random beacon request delay. This value is masked with the
* return from osal_rand() to get a random delay time for each joining cycle.
* This random value is added to DBEACON_REQUEST_DELAY. For example, a value
* of 0x00FF will be a beacon request delay of 0 to 255 milliseconds.



  • You can study

    /* Rejoin retry backoff silent period timer duration in milliseconds - default 15 minutes according to HA test spec */

    /* Rejoin retry backoff scan timer duration in milliseconds - default 15 minutes according to HA test spec */
  • hi all , 

    thank your help.

    i reference your suggest . 

    //set the rejoin backoff and scan

    static void zswWriteParameters(void)
    zstack_sysConfigWriteReq_t writeReq = {0};
    uint8_t extendedPANID[] = ZNWK_CONFIG_EXTENDED_PAN_ID;
    // HA specifies no Multicast, use group broadcast
    writeReq.has_nwkUseMultiCast = true;
    writeReq.nwkUseMultiCast = false;
    // Update the Default Channel List, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_chanList = true;
    writeReq.chanList = ZNWK_DEFAULT_CHANLIST;
    // Update the Extended PAN ID, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_extendedPANID = true;
    memcpy(&(writeReq.extendedPANID), extendedPANID,
    // Update the config PAN ID, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_panID = true;
    writeReq.panID = ZNWK_CONFIG_PAN_ID;
    #if defined(__SK301)
    writeReq.has_rejoinBackoffDuration = true;
    writeReq.rejoinBackoffDuration = 90000;

    writeReq.has_rejoinScanDuration = true;
    writeReq.rejoinScanDuration = 3000;
    (void)Zstackapi_sysConfigWriteReq(zswEntity, &writeReq);

    //and to  start beacon request

    static void keyaction(uint8_t key)

    zstack_sysResetReq_t restReq;

    //wait some time to
    restReq.type = zstack_ResetTypes_DEVICE;
    restReq.newNwkState = false;
    (void)Zstackapi_sysResetReq(zswEntity, &restReq);


  • hi ,
    thank you suggest, i do it as follow code:

    //set rejoin back off and scan
    static void zswWriteParameters(void)
    zstack_sysConfigWriteReq_t writeReq = {0};
    uint8_t extendedPANID[] = ZNWK_CONFIG_EXTENDED_PAN_ID;
    // HA specifies no Multicast, use group broadcast
    writeReq.has_nwkUseMultiCast = true;
    writeReq.nwkUseMultiCast = false;
    // Update the Default Channel List, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_chanList = true;
    writeReq.chanList = ZNWK_DEFAULT_CHANLIST;
    // Update the Extended PAN ID, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_extendedPANID = true;
    memcpy(&(writeReq.extendedPANID), extendedPANID,
    // Update the config PAN ID, defined in znwk_config.h
    writeReq.has_panID = true;
    writeReq.panID = ZNWK_CONFIG_PAN_ID;
    #if defined(__SK301)
    writeReq.has_rejoinBackoffDuration = true;
    writeReq.rejoinBackoffDuration = 90000;

    writeReq.has_rejoinScanDuration = true;
    writeReq.rejoinScanDuration = 3000;
    (void)Zstackapi_sysConfigWriteReq(zswEntity, &writeReq);

    //to start beacon request
    static void keyaction(uint8_t key)
    zstack_sysResetReq_t restReq;

    //wait some time to
    restReq.type = zstack_ResetTypes_DEVICE;
    restReq.newNwkState = false;
    (void)Zstackapi_sysResetReq(zswEntity, &restReq);
  • So, does it work now?
  • hi yikai,
    yes, i seem it work correctly.
    have any question about my code or view?
  • The code looks fine.