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CC1352P: How to add zigbee device using the mesh network?

Part Number: CC1352P
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK

Hello Community,

I am working on the CC1352P ZNP device & the ZNP Host framwork application.

I want add a device using zigbee mesh networking. 

i.e. from CC1352P ZNP (as co-ordinator)   ----------->    Router1    ------------->      Router2 (Device which should be added to the network).

If I kept the Router2 near  to the CC1352P ZNP device The device will be able to join the network.


If I am moving a Router2 device away form the CC1352P ZNP device & kept an other periviously added Router1 device in between them.

Then I am not able to add Router2 device in to the network.

Will you please help me to know,

How can I give a command to Router1 device form CC1352P ZNP to join the Router2 into the network by forming a mesh network?

Shiv Patil.

  • Hello shiv,

    Please use a sniffer to verify that Router1 is open for joining and verify the TC Link Key update procedure.  No user application modification is necessary to have ZED/ZR devices join the network through a ZR hop, this is all handled by the routing and TC processes from Z-Stack.


  • Hello ,

    1. How do I check the Router1 is open for joining?

    2. TC link key update will be disabled in our case.

    I am sending you a sniffer logs inforamtion. Please let me know is it helpfull or not?


    Shiv Patil.

  • 1. The Association Permit bit (MSb) would be set in the Super Frame Specification of the Beacon.

    2. I assume this is to allow joining of legacy Zigbee HA devices which is allowed, but an Update Device and NWK Key Tunnel Transport process would still occur after Association finally followed by a Device Announce.  None of this is happening which makes me believe the network is closed.


  • Hello  & ,

    I have cross checked the Association permit (MSB) bit in the beacon request over the sniffer.


    It is set to be false.

    Will you please help me to know how do I set this bit?..

    1. Using MT Request?

    2. Using CC1352P ZNP Stack Configurations?

    Also I would like to know,

    Is this configuration same for the All type of devices in network i.e. Router & ED?


    Shiv Patil

  • Hello shiv,

    Use the APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING Monitor and Test API with Commissioning mode set to Network Steering (0x02).  ZEDs are not routing devices and thus will never send beacons, only request them.


  • Hello ,

    As per our suggestion I have added the APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING request for the network steering (0x02).

    But After this modification I found that,

    Devices get added to the network with out permit joining request sent to the CC1352P ZNP device. even when devices get removed from the network it will re-attempt to join & will send the device update indication.

    Note : Association Permit bit (MSb) still low in beacon request after network steeing request

    In out case,

    By delaut permit joining is in off state.

    when ever user wants to add the device in to the network the ZNP should start the commitioning & connect device directly or using the mesh network.

    Now I have further question,

    1. Is this modification full fill my requirments?

    2. What else I can do to to add the devices only when the permit joining is going on?


    I have made some test cases rather than your suggestion. Please go though it.

    I have set the associationPermit bit used in struct macPib_t macPibDefaults in mac_cfg.c file  for the CC1352P ZNP simplelink application.

    Same modification made for the CC3538 router device application code. (const macPib_t macPibDefaults in the mac_pib.c file).

    Then I am able to set the Association Permit bit (MSb) in the Super Frame Specification of the Beacon.

    I am getting the following results to the on the sniffer after sending the permit joining request for the router2 device to the CC1352 ZNP device.

    Router 1 : 00:12:4b:00:19:3f:59:43 
    Router 2 : 00:00:00:00:3f:64:ce:48


    Will you please help me to understand the mesh networking concept?


    Shiv Patil.

  • Secure rejoins do not require the network to be open for joining.  Setting BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING will broadcast a ZDP_MgmtPermitJoinReq message with the BDBC_MIN_COMMISSIONING_TIME (180 by default) which is the number of seconds that permit joining is allowed.  You can also use ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ (unicast).  Do not modify the associationPermit bit in mac_cfg.c


  • Hello ,

    I have made the following test case,

    Started the Nwk Steering using the APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING request.

    then, initiated the permit joining using the ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ.

    Now I am able to join the device in to the mesh network. this full fill my requirment.

    If Nwk Steering is OFF (i.e. after 180 sec) & I am trying to add the device using ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ, device will not able to join the network.


    For our application use case,

    We stop permit joining after the required device get added to the network.

    My Question to you,

    1. Why it is nessesary to enable network steering before adding device to the network?

    2. Is there any simple way through which I can enable the network steering only when the ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ is in process & streeing will be disable after the ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ is over.   

    (i.e ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ  time out set 0x00 & go in permit joining off state).


    Shiv Patil.

  • The ZC/ZNP Trust Center must have permit joining locally enabled when a device is attempting to join.  You can synchronize APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING with ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ (duration of 0xB4 for 180 seconds) or send ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ to both the ZNP and ZR parent (or broadcast) with the same duration.  At any rate I do not see how elongated steering would damage the network and these processes will not stay on indefinitely (end after maximum 254 seconds).


  • Hello ,

    I have added 2 Router devices in to the network. (0x77ae & 0x0809)


    I am broadcasting the MT_ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ using the destAddr as 0xFFFC.

    I am able to see on sniffer logs that both the devices are able to join the an other device in to the network using mesh topology.

    But still the device is not getting added to the network.

    I am sending you a snifer logs,

    Will you please help me to know what wrong in this?


    Shiv Patil.

  • Shiv,

    No sniffer log was attached and I cannot gather any information from the screenshots.  It would also help if you could clarify what devices are actively in the network, which ones are trying to join, and how many steps are completed in the joining process (Beacon Request/Response, Association Request/Response, Update Device/Tunnel Network Key, TCLK update, etc).  I also recommend you try to replicate behavior with a out-of-box ZC application or ZNP with ZIGBEE-LINUX-SENSOR-TO-CLOUD solution
