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CC2652P: GenericApp not working

Part Number: CC2652P


I am testing zstack generic-app example of Simplelink SDK on CC2652P. When we load firmware, CC2652P is keeping reset. I have debug to check cause of reset and found that CC2652 is reset when MacLowLevelInit is called. It shows error "unable to locate MacLowLevel.c"

I have searched "MacLowLevel.c" file, but not able to find. I assume it is library function.

I am not getting any error during compilation, but it shows error on debug. Please help me to resolve this.

Below is my setup of testing:

SDK version - simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_30_00_54
CCS version - 10.1.1
Example project - zr_genericapp of CC1352P_2 launchpad
Board - custom board using BDE module(BDE-RFM207P)



  • Hi Sandip,

    MacLowLevel.c is a pre-build file, you cannot access it but MacLowLevelInit failure indicates an issue with the RF hardware.  You are using correct software versions so please try other Z-Stack project variants and with LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-2 hardware, then contact the module developer to inquire further about the intended use and operation of their design.  This should not affect your current behavior but I also recommend changing SysConfig settings to "Use Custom Board" under the Board View and making appropriate changes (like removing LED/UART/Buttons/SPI which aren't connected).


  • Hi Ryan,

    I have tried ZNP example on the Hardware and it is working without issue, so it is not hardware fault.
    I have also tried by setting Custom Board and remove UART, Switch, LED, SPI from zr_genericapp example, but still facing same issue.

    I don't have Launchpad, so can't test zr_genericapp example on launchpad. Any other suggestion?


  • What about another application example which isn't the ZNP (ex. ZR light or switch)?  It works on LAUNCHXL-CC1352P (-2) boards so I'm not sure at the moment what issue on HW could be present.  What differences does it have compared to the LaunchPad schematics and have you submitted your design to SIMPLELINK-2-4GHZ-DESIGN-REVIEWS?


  • Hi Ryan,

    I tested ZR switch example, but same issue exist.

    I have used off the self module BDE-RFM207P for our design. In addition to module, there are RGB LED, one switch and UART connector.

    My module contains CC2652P chip. Do i need to do any changes in zr_genericapp example to make compatible for CC2652P? 

    I am using Segger Jlink emulator for debugging. Is it okay to use Segger jlink for debugging?



  • The ZR switch example further confirms a hardware issue.  The Zigbee application and SysConfig would not affect a MAC low level initialization.  You do not need to change anything in the CC1352P-2 example for operation with the CC2652P.  You should contact the board manufacturer for further support and can try free-running the example outside of the debugger context to determine whether there is an issue with the Segger Jlink.
