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I use CC2652R1 LaunchPad as golden ZED which flashed with zed_temperaturesensor (5_20_00_52) build.
The Zigbee Linux Gateway I download is I have build native on x86 PC host and talks to another CC2652R1 LaunchPad flashed with standard znp FW via USB.
Run with two script files (zigbeeHAgw & start_application) and test ZED join network successfully.
However, when I exits and re-start two scripts again, ZED cannot join without unplug USB. It becomes OK when unplug USB & run again.
Snipped logs are listed below for normal and abnormal cases:
=== Normal case ===
[15:03:01.890,776] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb zspbHandlePbCb: subsystemID:0x31, cmdId:0x8 # <= "ZSTACK_CMD_IDS__SYS_NWK_INFO_READ_REQ"
[15:03:01.890,872] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:03:01.890,905] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:80 #
[15:03:01.890,938] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:80 OK. #
[15:03:01.895,052] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x50, length: 24 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:03:20.939,450] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb zspbHandlePbCb: subsystemID:0x31, cmdId:0x43 # <= "ZSTACK_CMD_IDS__ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ"
[15:03:20.939,538] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:03:20.939,570] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:80 #
[15:03:20.939,603] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:80 OK. #
[15:03:20.943,672] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x50, length: 24 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:03:20.943,854] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# znp_misc sendNPIExpectDefaultStatusZNP: subSys:0x5, cmdID:0x36, len::5
[15:03:20.943,931] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:03:20.943,960] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:54 #
[15:03:20.943,985] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:54 OK. #
[15:03:20.947,575] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x36, length: 1 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:03:20.947,724] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb processZdoMgmtPermitJoinReq: duration:60 #
[15:03:20.947,746] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# znp_misc sendNPIExpectDefaultStatusZNP: subSys:0x5, cmdID:0x36, len::5
[15:03:20.947,811] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:03:20.947,838] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:54 #
[15:03:20.947,874] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:54 OK. #
[15:03:20.948,437] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x45, Cmd ID: 0xB6, length: 3 <= NPI found Cmd ID: 0xB6 (RSP)
[15:03:20.948,578] [Z_STACK/HNDL] UNMSKBL: #Peter# znp_misc handleAsyncMsgs: subSys:5, cmdID:0xb6 #
=== Abnormal case ===
[15:06:39.178,873] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb zspbHandlePbCb: subsystemID:0x31, cmdId:0x8 # <= "ZSTACK_CMD_IDS__SYS_NWK_INFO_READ_REQ"
[15:06:39.179,034] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:06:39.179,070] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:80 #
[15:06:39.179,107] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:80 OK. #
[15:06:39.183,141] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x50, length: 24 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:06:56.353,052] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb zspbHandlePbCb: subsystemID:0x31, cmdId:0x43 # <= "ZSTACK_CMD_IDS__ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_REQ"
[15:06:56.353,144] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:06:56.353,179] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:80 #
[15:06:56.353,210] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:80 OK. #
[15:06:56.357,287] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x50, length: 24 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:06:56.357,460] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# znp_misc sendNPIExpectDefaultStatusZNP: subSys:0x5, cmdID:0x36, len::5
[15:06:56.357,532] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:06:56.357,559] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:54 #
[15:06:56.357,584] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:54 OK. #
[15:06:56.360,318] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x36, length: 1 <= NPI recognize this frame!
[15:06:56.360,463] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# zstackpb processZdoMgmtPermitJoinReq: duration:60 #
[15:06:56.360,487] [Z_STACK/LSTN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# znp_misc sendNPIExpectDefaultStatusZNP: subSys:0x5, cmdID:0x36, len::5
[15:06:56.360,548] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# Receive message...
[15:06:56.360,576] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# NPI_UART_SendSynchData: cmdId:54 #
[15:06:56.360,600] [NPISRVR/MAIN] UNMSKBL: #Peter# npi_sendframe: subSys:37, cmdId:54 OK. #
[15:06:56.363,693] [NPISRVR/U_RX] UNMSKBL: #Peter# [UART] npi_procframe, subsys: 0x65, Cmd ID: 0x36, length: 1 <= No RSP...
Some symptoms listed below:
1. The Assoc bit within superframe is not set correctly. It shows value 0 not value 1 for the second-time test. (note: other bits are same as first-time test)
2. For last "NPISRVR/U_RX" log of two cases, their subSys values are different.
Two questions:
1. Do I need extra steps when scripts re-start without unplug USB or re-start znp FW to make it normal?
2. How to interpret subSys?
Hi Peter,
Please let me know whether any of the following E2E posts resolve your issue:
At any rate, several are good improvements to implement on your Zigbee gateway host.
The subsystemId is a combination of RPC Command Field type and subsystem, which are defined in hal_rpc.h
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for feedback. I have tentative comments below after checking above posts you provided:
- : GW initialize failed. Not my case.
- : Z-Stack related. My issue should be happen in-between NPI vs. znp FW (due to no 0xB6 RSP)?
- : SOC_RESET_REQUIRED settings. x86 set to 0 for my case. Should be OK.
- pairing issue through route. Not my case. I am testing ZED to Coordinator case.
I tested with "soft reset" which re-start servers too. In this case I can re-join ZED. So my question is:
Soft reset will send CMD: "NWK_MGR_CMD_ID_T__NWK_ZIGBEE_SYSTEM_RESET_REQ". What's the command differences between soft reset and re-start zigbeeHAgw script in term of znp FW? Or advise where can I check for?
BTW, there are two hal_rpc.h files (./Projects/zstack/linux/srvwrapper/hal_rpc.h & ./Projects/zstack/linux/RemoTI-Linux-master/Projects/tools/LinuxHost/ipclib/common/hal_rpc.h). But these two have some minor differences. I think we should use "./Projects/zstack/linux/srvwrapper/hal_rpc.h" for all server codes including NPI server. Am I right?
A soft reset will cause a software reset command of the ZNP firmware, whereas restarting the zigbeeHAgw script only affects the host software operation.
You would use the srvwrapper version as RPC_SYS_PROTOBUF is commonly referenced by other source files.
Hi Ryan,
For soft reset test, I check with zigbeeHAgw and found it will wait for NETWORK MANAGER to stop as in "wait $NETWORK_MGR_PID && exit_code=$?". The zigbeeHAgw will call stop_all when I set soft reset command. So the soft reset will also stop all servers first. However, I found the return code is 0 not 2 on x86 PC host environment. As the return code is 0, zigbeeHAgw will call start_all (& hw_reset_soc) anyway. Three questions:
1. It should have return code 2 (NWKMGR_SOFT_RESET_CODE), but I got debug value 0. And where to set the return value of NETWORK MANAGER?
2. What's the purpose of variable NWKMGR_RESTART_FLAG?
3. What's the purpose for hw_reset_soc( )? Is it a generic code or platform dependent?
1. That is an unexpected exit code, which could imply that the NWKMGR or other network server has already been exited.
2. It can be echoed on start_netmgr so that users know the restart reason.
3. This is used for a hardware reset, i.e. holding the RST pin low then releasing it. soc_reset_hold/soc_reset_release can be platform dependent depending on USB reset requirements.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks. I will investigate more on return code issue when do soft reset later. The symptom is: I got value 2 on my ARM platform but got value 0 on PC x86.
My last question is: why I re-start manually (re-start zigbeeHAgw script and start_application script) makes allow join failure? Refer to soft reset, it is OK for allow join again. Its steps can be decomposed into three steps: stop_all, hw_reset_soc, and start_all. The difference between "soft reset" and "re-start manually" is only hw_reset_soc. Am I right? As x86 did nothing for hw_reset_soc. I am confused.
In zigbeeHAgw, SOC_RESET_REQUIRED is set to zero for x86. You can change this to force the hw_reset_soc on start_all. I would recommend resetting the ZNP MCU to allow for synchronization between systems. Please refer to this E2E post for a known issue regarding permit join failure due to ZDO endpoint deletion from the gateway.
Hi Ryan,
I think you mis-understand my question. The platform I test is x86 PC and I am asking second-time re-start issue.
For first-time start-up which run manually with zigbeeHAgw and start_application. SOC_RESET_REQUIRED is set to zero. Join test is fine.
For second-time, There are two ways: one is "manually kill zigbeeHAgw and start_application and re-start again"; the other is "using soft reset command".
For "manually kill zigbeeHAgw and start_application and re-start again", the SOC_RESET_REQUIRED is value zero. But for "using soft reset command", the SOC_RESET_REQUIRED is set to value one, which will call hw_reset_soc. And hw_reset_soc do nothing for x86 now.
I am confused with the test result: "manually kill zigbeeHAgw and start_application and re-start again" way, join test is not OK, but "using soft reset command" way, join test is fine.
Perhaps the hw_reset_soc incurs a delay that is needed for the ZNP to properly sync with the application after the restart, otherwise I do not understand how to address this behavior and suggest you implement the solution which is known to work.