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Currently i'm working on a product which contains a CC2530 module running ZNP firmware. This device is configured as coordinator and a couple of routers and end-devices are connected to it. The network is fairly stable and runs ok most of the time.
My issue starts when the master device (containing the CC2530 Coordinator) reboots for some reason (update, power loss, could be anything). Sometimes when the coordinator reboots the end-devices have hopped to routers and have a new short address. This results in the coordinator being unable to find the devices and the only solution that we currently have is re-pair the end devices.
When sniffing the network with a CC2531 module I found the following behaviour:
Now my question is, can the coordinator be configured that no end devices are lost? Or could a complete network ping help with this solution? I'm unsure on how to approach this, but I am sure that pairing the devices is not the best approach.
When searching online for this problem, I couldn't quite find someone in the same situation so I'm curious if this forum can help me.
Hi Yves,
It appears that you are working from a deprecated Zigbee Specification, as Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a and Z-Stack 3.0 have improved child management features. It is also not standard for child devices to change short addresses when locating a new parent within the same Zigbee Network. Assuming that the firmware of routers and end devices cannot be upgraded for improved Zigbee Specification behavior, the ZNP acting as a coordinator will need to perform network discovery (possible through Management LQI and Network Address Requests) to discover prior children (specifically looking for IEEE extended addresses, which are constant per device).
Hello Ryan,
Thanks for the quick reply. I went and checked what version is currently flashed on the CC2530 module, and it should be Z-Stack 3.0.x taken from the zigbee2mqtt project (
Like you mentioned, I tried sending a Network Address Request (zdoNwkAddrReq) but this fails when the short address of the device has changed. Also, I'm seeing no output on the sniffer when this request is sent which leads me to believe that zdoNwkAddrReq only requests the address from the address table in the coordinator, not from the network. Could this be the case?
Actually, zdoNwkAddrReq will send Network Address Request over the air. How do you send Network Address Request?
Oh, that's odd. My sniffer didn't quite catch it. However, I sent the request over the serial interface to the CC2530. The request consists of the device IEEE address field (set to the IEEE address of the end point), Request type field (set to 0) and start index field (set to 0).
Well, I thought the same. However, the reply comes back OK when the device still has the same address, so I'm guessing it is not reversed. I'm currently doing another session with the sniffer attached, and all "Network Address Request" packets can be seen when the device has the same address. One reboot and a change of address later, and the packets can no longer be seen. I'm wondering if my routers are messing up the network.
Usually, network address shouldn't change. If it changes, I suppose it would send device announcement packet which would include device network and IEEE address. Do you see device announcement packet when your device changes network address?
Yes, I can see the packet. The problem is that the coordinator is offline at that point and misses the packet. When reading online I saw some that the only option was to manually re-pair the end device, but I thought that this was not the way that the Zigbee standard intended.
When you send "Network Address Request" and don't see it is send, do you see route request is sent in the sniffer log?
Sometimes I can see route requests when a Network Address Request should be given indeed.
On another note, I now have a network in the same situation as described, but when sending the "zdoNwkAddrReq" to the router, I can see the end-devices in the "associated devices" under the router. That seems nice, but when trying to reach this associated address directly the device is still unreachable. Thats odd.
If routing path to the device is missed, you might need to wait a while for routing path back.