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CC2538-CC2592EMK: Zigbee communication getting started

Part Number: CC2538-CC2592EMK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK, CC2538

Greeting of the day!!.

What I want to do, 
I have two kit's of CC2538-CC2592EMK and want to communicate between them via host micro-controller over UART and some type of AT commands.

TI Part       : CC2538-CC2592EMK
Tools         : CCS IDE

Host MCU : STM32F407 
Interface    : USART 

What I have done, 
1) Environment setup on windows platform with CCS IDE and compile & debug LED demo with JTAG debugger  successfully. 

2) Download the Z-stack from here, to work and explore zigbee network. from community I found example from SDK support's only IAR workbench only.

Need Your Support for below points
1) Not sure about where to start from on zigbee platform with CC2538-CC2592EMK. Is there any documentation guide and tutorial available for development of CC2538-CC2592EMK? Please share me. 
2) Is there any pre-build binary available to work with and test the communication?  Please share me and  is there any type of software tools available to upload these binary into kit?   
3) is there any GUI based software tool available to communicate over USART/USB for setting modes , configure and data sharing between them? 
4) if there is document available for getting started and environment setup can you please share me?.

Waiting for your response ASAP. 
Thanks & Regards, 

  • Hi Urvisha,

    1) The Z-Stack 3.0.2\Documents folder contains the Z-Stack 3.0 Sample Application User's Guide and Z-Stack 3.0 Developer's Guide PDFs, and the API folder also has the Z-Stack ZNP Interface Specification PDF.
    2) The Z-Stack 3.0.2\Projects\zstack\ZNP\CC2538\dev folder has pre-built images available for the ZNP.
    3) Z-Stack 3.0.2\Tools\Z-Tool is where the Z-Tool is located for communicating with the ZNP using a simple GUI interface.
    4) Basic instructions are available on this community blog, and you can also further search similar E2E results.
