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I am working on a scenario where XBee ZigBee Pro (S2C) is a coordinator and Anaren AIR ZigBee modules are router/end devices
I am using
-Anaren AIR A2530E24A-LPZ module with MSP430G2
-Xbee ZigBee Pro (S2C) with Raspberry Pi
I was able to communicate between co-ordinator, router and end-devices of AIR A2530E24A-LPZ modules. Also can separately work with Xbee modules. Problem happens when I try to communicate between Xbee and AIR modules.
1. Does AIR A2530E24A-LPZ support Xbee ZigBee Pro (S2C) module? Probably a question for Anaren but wanted to know your experience.
2. If I want to use Xbee was the coordinator and A2530E24A-LPZ modules as router/end devices, what network configurations I should be aware off? Channel? PAN ID? What else?
Those two modules are supposed to be able to work to each other. You need to make sure they run the same Zigbee profile and the same Zigbee security settings. Of course, they have to run on the same Zigbee channel and the same PANID.