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I use 3 CC2652R chips to form a ZigBee network,one works as ZC,and 2 works as ZED.They all work in ZNP mode.
When I started ZC first,after a while,I started two ZEDs,both ZEDs can join the network.
But, when I started two ZEDs first,and start ZC later,both ZEDs cann't join the network.Both ZEDs stop at the state:DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH,and return the info:"mtZdoStateChangeIndCb: Joined but not yet authenticated by trust center".Then both ZEDs back to state:DEV_HOLD,and return the info:"mtZdoStateChangeIndCb: Initialized - not started automatically".
During ZEDs change state from DEV_NWK_JOINING to DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH,ZC get a message:MT_ZDO_TC_DEV_IND.
I want to know why start ZEDs at first, then after a while start ZC,ZEDs cann't join the network.I use simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_10_00_78,and ZNP verion is 2.7.1. I set SECURE=1.Z-Stack is 3.0.2
Thank you very much!
It's difficult to judge what happens without sniffer log so I strongly suggest you to setup sniffer to check what exactly happens over the air.
I agree with YK, sniffer logs are required to verify the behavior you are describing. The ZEDs should be able to join the ZC at any time its network is open. You would need to call APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING again from the MT API if using ZNP configurations, as zdoStartCommissioning is an application-level API. What happens when you reset your ZEDs? 2.7.1 is outdated Z-Tool versioning and Z-Stack 3.0.2 is the CC253X Zigbee stack which is different from the SIMPLELINK-CC13X2-26X2-SDK.
Thanks for your reply!
When ZEDs back to DEV_HOLD state,I called APP_CNF_BDB_START_COMMISSIONING angin by using MT API:zdoStartCommissioning.
The Z-Stack I used is 4.10.00,I writed wrong.
I will provide sniffer logs later.
Thank you!
I will provide sniffer logs later.
The stack I used is 4.10.00,I writed wrong.
Thank you!
These days,I got a LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 launchpad,I used it with Smart RF Sniffer and wireshark to get the sniffer logs.
I have acquired normal logs and abnormal logs of ZED join network process.The screenshots of the logs are shown below:(Fig1 is normal process,Fig2 is abnormal process)
Fig1 normal process
Fig2 abnormal process
When ZC started first and then ZED started later,ZED join process is shown in Fig1,ZED can receive key from ZC.
When ZED started first,after a while(several minutes later),ZC started,ZED can't join the network,this abnormal process is shown in Fig2.
Fig2 shows perhaps ZED can't wait to rececive key which transmited by ZC,then ZED broadcasted beacon request again.ZED repeated join network,and repeated this abnormal process over and over.
In addition,I discovered that when I set primary channels to only one,for example,set primary channel to 16,and not set secondary channels in the file:znp.syscfg in my ZNP project,ZED can join at any time when network is open.But,when I set both primary channels and secondary channels to multiple as shown in Fig3(I set primary channels to 11,13,16,20,25,and set secondary channels to 14,18,19,21,23,24,26),the abnormal process will happen as I have described.Before,I have always set primary and secondary channels to multiple.
Fig3 channels setting
I want to know whether different settings of channels affect ZED join network.
Thank you very much!
I have provided sniffer logs,please refer to the reply I sent to YiKai Chen.
Thank you very much!
There have been some improvements made to the ZNP ZED configuration in the SIMPLELINK-CC13X2-26X2-SDK v4.40 (see the Z-Stack Release Notes from the Documentation Overview) so I recommend evaluating with the latest SDK version. Currently you could also mitigate the issue by forcing a factory reset before starting another join attempt.
The sniffer log shows the ZED acknowledging but ignoring the Association Responses from the ZC and continues to send out Association Request. I do not currently see a reason to not use the v4.40 ZNP instead.
Thank you for your reply!
I updated ZNP to verion 4.40,now this problem can be solved.