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ZED examples project It is't join to the zigbee network.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK

Hi TI!

I have a zigbee network and the comercials devices can it join to network except the ZED example projects from Zstack (zed_sensortemperature, zed_devicelight, ...).

I did press the btn1 and nothing.

I did try to debbug the zed_sensortemperature example project and I see that the firware arrive to this code line 2654 :

events = 0; //This should not happen...

Any Idea about the problem, please?

Possible solutions plese.

Thank you very much. Best Regards

  • Can you elaborate what hardware and Z-Stack version do you use? Do you check if you setup correct channel on device to scan Zigbee network to join? I would suggest you to setup sniffer to check what happens over the air.

  • Hi

    Thank you very much for your answer,

    I am using the CC1352 launchpad with simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_20_00_35. Please, could you suggest me how to check the setup correct channel?

    Sincerely, thankou very much, best regards

  • You can change/set primary and secondary channels in CUI interface on UART console.

  • Hi YK Chen

    Thank kou very much for your clear and fast answer!

    Just right now I see the UART console, I didn't know about the UART console. The console UART showme the correct channel.
    For to join it the device to the network, how I must to do?
    1-) Enable the finding and binding via AURT console.
    2-) Press BTN1

    Only step 1-) is enough?

    Sincerely, Tahnko very much

  • As I know, the default example only scan for channel 11 to join so you might to set primary/secondary channel to scan all zigbee channels. Otherwise, it might have trouble to join Zigbee network forms on other channels.

  • Success!

    Sincerely, Thank you very much for your fast and clear answer!