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CC2650 receive 240 bytes data

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BLE-STACK


I am working on SIMPLEBLEPeripheral example, SDK version-2.2.

My question is how we can receive 240 bytes data from mobile application? Is there any example available which can receive maximum data.

I know the example code is available in below link but that is for just sending the data,

I need any example code which is receive the maximum data throughput from mobile application.


  • Does the smartphone support data length extensions? This is something that is negotiated over the air and pretty much depends on if your phone supports it. To see what is actually happening, you probably need to get an over-the-air sniffer capture and see if the negotiation is happening. Though this documentation is for the BLE-Stack 3.x, the information should be still relevant (
  • Yes, mobile application support the data length extension.

    Can we use SPP_BLE_SERVER example code to receive more than 20 bytes data from mobile application? If so how we can enable the data length extension in SPP_BLE_SERVER example code?
  • SPP BLE examples use DLE, but are intended to work with one another (SPP BLE Server and SPP BLE Client). If your ultimate goal is to use DLE with a smart phone, you should really sniff out the over-the-air traffic. Your application should call HCI_LE_SetDataLenCmd() once a connection was established. I encourage you to visit the DLE section in the BLE User's Guide ()