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CC2640: Memory leak problem in clucose.c file with ble_sdk_2_02_02_25

Part Number: CC2640

I discover memory leak problem  GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt() function at clucose.c

Heap Memroy is allocated  pData->pVal in GlucoseSensor_serviceCB() fuction.

Memroy free  in GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt() function

But It is only  memory free in GLUCOSE_CTL_PNT_CMD.

but other case don't free memory


I fixed GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt() function.


static void GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt(uint8_t event, uint8_t* valueP, uint8_t len)
  switch (event)
    // Control point command.
        glucoseCtlPntMsg_t msg;
        msg.len = len;
        memcpy(, valueP, len);
        // Free valueP
      //  ICall_free(valueP);
        // Process the control point command.
      // Do nothing.





  • At ICall_malloc, the argument is set to size.
    If the argument is 0, the return value is not NULL, but the malloc address is returned.

    I have more fixed s/w.
    If data length is '0', don't allocate heap memory at GlucoseSensor_serviceCB() .

    static void GlucoseSensor_serviceCB(uint8_t event, uint8_t* valueP, uint8_t len)
        glucoseServEvt_t *pData;
        if ((pData = (glucoseServEvt_t *)ICall_malloc(sizeof(glucoseServEvt_t))))
                if ((pData->pVal = (uint8_t *)ICall_malloc(len)))                
                    memcpy(pData->pVal, valueP, len);
            pData->len = len;
            GlucoseSensor_enqueueMsg(GLUCOSE_SERVICE_EVT, event, (uint8_t *)pData);

  • Hello Young,
    Thanks for pointing this out. I will review your proposed changes.
    Did you run the example, profile the heap and observe memory leak occur or did you only review the code?
  • Hello Young,
    I have reviewed your second fix with regards to malloc(0).

    Even tough the length (len) is 0 it needs to be allocated (pData->pVal = (uint8_t *)ICall_malloc(len)) if it will be freed anyway in GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt (ICall_free(valueP);) If it is not allocated (malloc) and then freed the heap will become corrupt. Even tough the size is 0 is it allocated with headers, but without payload and can bee freed.
  • Hi
    I apply only second fix.
    I apply Origanl souce code in GlucoseSensor_processServiceEvt (ICall_free(valueP) that is freed GLUCOSE_CTL_PNT_CMD .
    thaks .