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CC1310 and CC2640 flash programming via JTAG port

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310, CC2640

I’m writing from Lynxar Technologies, a professional ISP tools provider.

I need to support CC1310 and CC2640 microcontrollers. 

A TI customer is waiting us to set up a professional system for the ISP programming on such devices.

The CC1310 and CC2640 interface (port) to be used must be JTAG (no SPI or bootloader).

I carefully studied the SWCU117F Technical Reference Manual, especially the chapter 5 section 5.2 and 5.2.1.

On those sections JTAG commands are described, but none of them is for the Flash programming.

There must be another document I can’t find with JTAG commands for PROGRAMMINGFLASH VIA JTAG PORT.

To sum up:

On SWCU117F Technical Reference Manual, some JTAG commands are mentioned, but none is dedicated to Flash Programming (Debug port).

For example:

1) Which are the registers used for Flash Programming (write enable, busy, etc.)?

2) Does the Flash access take place through a TAP?

3) If so, which one?

4) Otherwise, is Cortex M3 DAP involved? Which address? Which bus width (32-/64-bit)?

SWCU117F Technical Reference Manual do not mention any of the above questions.

I'd like to thank in advance anybody that can help me. My customer (an important TI customer is in need to program huge quantity of CCxxxx) is waiting for this.


Lynxar Technologies