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CC1200: RSSI verification problem

Part Number: CC1200

Hello everybody:

I'm doing some range test with CC1200. I have two diffrent CC1200EM Kits: on 868/930MHz and 420/470Mhz with their respectiv antenas.

I'm using a proprietary evolution board wher i can switch the kits.
The problem/question:

My problem is that i do not know if i am using the right offset (99 for both right now)

At my desktop i have the rx and the tx in a distance of aprox. 1 m... beside of the tx i have a Aaronia spectral analyzer to verificate the values.


-If i use the 868 kit the values of RSSI give me around -70dBm. At the same time the spectral analyzer indicates me -32dBm

-If i use the 434 kit the values of RSSI gives me around -32dBm as well as the spectral analyzer.

Am i doing anything wrong with the offset at 868 KIt??? or is it right?????

I'm using 2-FSk @1,2bsps and 0dBm TX power. the rx fileter bw is at 14,88KHz.

Can anybody help me verifying the problem, if it is a problem .....

Thanks a lot

  • - It could be that the frequency offset between the two EMs on 868 MHz is too large compared to the RX BW. Send a CW with both EM (not at the same time) and measure the offset with the spectrum using RBW = 300 Hz. The OBW for the the signal you are using is close to 10 kHz meaning that the the offset between the EMs has to be small.
    - It could also be an error on one of the 868 MHz antennas.