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  • TLV9302: The rail to rail output Op Amp can output 0 V?

    Part Number: TLV9302
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7705

    Hi Team,

    TLV9302 is rail-to-rail output op amp.  The datasheet note that the output is no real 0. So I want to confirm from you this output typical value is op amp min output?

  • LMV831: Rail-to-rail information

    Part Number: LMV831

    Hello support.

    I want to use the LMV831 operational amplifier in my circuit, but I'm having trouble finding information about the rail-to-rail.

    In the web page I found this information: Rail-to-rail "In to V-, Out". 

  • TLV9301: Input common mode voltage range of TLV930x

    Part Number: TLV9301
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1678,

    The part is *not* listed as a rail-to-rail input and the stated input common mode voltage range is listed as extending to (V+) - 2V in section 6.7. Electrical Specs.

    However, the block diagram…

  • [FAQ] How to determine if my comparator has a rail-to-rail output (RRO)?

    Why is a rail-to-rail output (RRO) important, and how can I determine if my comparator has a RRO?

  • RE: OPA356: Active Shield Driver for High(ish) Speed Capacitive Load

    Thanks Michael,

    I couldn't find LM7905 (or LM79) in Tina TI and the model isn't available to be downloaded from the TI website.

    Instead, I added a generic 5V supply with the positive grounded and the negative on…

  • TINA/Spice/TLV4113: TLV4113

    Part Number: TLV4113
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, TLV4111

    Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models

    I downloaded the TINA TI Spice model for this part from:

    When running the model in feedback loop…

  • TLV2370: Does Sallen-Key filter need a high impedance load?

    Part Number: TLV2370
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMC6041, OPA130, , TL081

    I am using the circuit below to monitor the output of a piezoelectric diaphragm, represented by a sine wave generator and capacitor C3.

    The circuit is powered from a split supply…

  • INA146: High-Voltage (0-24vdc) Signal Conditioning for Low-Voltage ADCs (3.3vdc)

    Part Number: INA146
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7705

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to seek a simple method to condition high voltage signal (0-24vdc) for low voltage ADC (0-3.3v).

    Specifially, I'll like to scale input  signal of 0-10vdc linearly…

  • INA197: understanding output voltage specifications

    Part Number: INA197

    Dear all,

    I have a question about the output voltage specifications reported in the datasheet of INA197.

    In particular it is not clear if the output voltage can go to 0V (or very close to 0V) because in the datasheet is reported that…

  • Rail-to-Rail Inputs—what you should know!

    Rail-to-Rail (R/R) op amps are extremely popular, especially useful with low supply voltage. You should know how R/R inputs are accomplished and understand some trade-offs.

    Figure 1 shows a typical dual-input R/R stage comprised of both N and P-channel…

  • Re: INA12* Large Offset Problem


    The INA128 & INA129 are nice devices but they are not universal-- they are not rail-to-rail amplifiers. In the data sheet they are specified down to +/-2.25V power supplies, not +5V.

    In your application an INA333 might be a better choice…