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What is efuse register?

What is efuse register? Can I change it, for example can I change MAC address? Once I change it, is it non-volatile?

Or is efuse register programmed by TI only once and can't be changed later?

I searched for "efuse" through Technical Reference Manual but there is no explanation for it. There seems to be many such registers but I still don't understand what it is in general.

  • e-fuse registers are used for storing device specific features (Device ID, Version, MAC Address etc...) . The device features are read only and e-fused into the device. They can't be changed by the customer.

    The MAC addresses programmed into the internal e-fuses will be from the TI address pool.  Customer will need to add some type of storage device (Flash, EEPROM) which contains their MAC addresses if they want to use addresses from their own address pool.

  • Thank you very much! I understand your mean.

    The mac in e-fuse,it is only in my network,so  I do not need alloct  the mac again. I use mac in e-fuse of am335x.

  • The AM335x Technical Reference Manual says in section

    The default Vendor ID and Product ID can be automatically overridden by the customer by programming the Efuses that are used to store these values.

    That seems to indicate some Efuses are customer-programmable. Is that right, and if so, how can it be done?

  • Efuses are programmed by TI during final test and cannot be changed. The USB PID/VID value is the same in all AM335x devices. The ROM code uses these values when booting from USB.

    I think the TRM is trying to say the respective software driver may need to use a different USB VID/PID value that represents the function implemented by the driver.
