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OpenSSL Websites are not working in the Demo Browser of Root File System given by TI for AM3354 EVM

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3354

Hi TI,

We are using AM3354 ARM Cortex-A8 Microprocessor. Now we are testing the prebuilt images and Root File System in the EVM. In the  "browser" application of Matrix GUI, we tried to load the OpenSSL websites(https:), but that is not loading.

What is the Reason for this and how to fix this.  Please help us resolve this. Thanks in advance ..



  • Hi Vignesh,

    Perhaps this isn't implemented yet. As you already know, the Browser is still a DEMO, which implies that it has limited functionality.

    If you wish to try and implement this functionality yourself, you are free to do it.

    I suggest you first read the Matrix User Guide.

    Here is how to make a Hello World Matrix application.

    Here is information on how to build the Matrix GUI and here is how to import existing projects (like the Browser) inside CCS5.

    Best regards,

  • Hi  Miroslav Kiradzhiyski,

    Thanks for the reply. I took the lite weight browser(fancybrower) to do
    this task. I have compiled the fancybrowser source in both normal ARM QT
    SDK(build with openssl support) and TI SDK.

    The browser can load all pages other than the https sites.
    can you please tell me where i have to enable the openssl support in this
    source code.

    Note: During the QT ARM build i used the configure flag -openssl -I (builded
    openssl for ARM path)


  • Please forgive if it is not related to this forum. Please change it appropriate threads

    Hi All,
    1. We are working on Qt Fancybrowser application. In that https websites are not loading
    2. Qt geeks and web search basis , they suggests that
    By default, the OpenSSL support will be disabled in the Qt SDK. So we have to build the Qt SDK with OpenSSL support and compile the fancy browser source in that SDK will solve this problem
    3. So we did the following steps
       a. Downloaded the "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4.tar.gz"
       b. ./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -qt-kbd-linuxinput -qt-kbd-qvfb -qt-mouse-tslib -webkit -openssl -opensource -verbose -R /usr/local/tslib/lib/ -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -I/usr/local/ssl/include/
       c. make
       d. make install
       e. After this the Qt SDK is installed in /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-Embedded-4.8.4/
       f. We set QT SDK path as qmake path in the above compiled and tested the bonary in our board
    4. Now also we are having the same issue

    Please let us know the root cause and is there any mistakes we are doing. Please help to resolve this problem


  • This problem is not specific to the demo browser.

    I have a filesystem containing EZSDK openssl build with added-on Qt 5.1.0.  https sites are not working with the QML WebView item (QtWebKit 3.0).  This is an extremely simple block, like this:

    WebView {
    url: ""
    anchors.fill: parent
    smooth: false

    Works fine on Desktop Linux Qt 5.1.0.  The page doesn't load on AM335x with EZSDK-based file system.  Changing the URL to does load the page.  Will be attempting to recompile openssl as I think the problem lies there.  Either way, I believe this is an EZSDK library problem, not a problem with the FancyBrowser app.

    Also, someone else on the forums found incorrect md5 checksums generated with hardware accelerated crypto engine and openssl.  I removed the crypto dev device as they did, though https sites still don't load (probably not the problem in this case anyway).

  • Also, an even more basic test...

    Just run the following at the command prompt on the am335x target:

    $ openssl s_client -connect

    On a working system (such as desktop), you'll get certificate info dump.  On am335x target, you just get "CONNECTED(00000003)" and no certificate dump.

  • Just checked on BeagleBone White with EZSDK-based prebuilt images and it is working.  Must be missing some files or something with my SD Card.

  • OK, seems that any SSL warnings/errors cause WebKit to reject the page request.  For Qt 5, you can add in an experimental property that will ignore these.  See this URL:

    Also see this, which might work in Qt 4.8, too (or anywhere the experimental API isn't available:

  • I have the same problem.  I tried to load the OpenSSL websites(https:), but that is not loading.

    I cross compiled Qt4.8.4 with support openssl.

    In my  mkspecs/qconfig.pri has the support openssl:

    QT_CONFIG +=  minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config no-pkg-config accessibility embedded reduce_exports ipv6 clock-gettime clock-monotonic mremap getaddrinfo ipv6ifname getifaddrs inotify png freetype zlib nis openssl alsa concurrent multimedia audio-backend svg script scripttools declarative release

    I used QSslSocket::supportsSsl() and it returns true.

    This command works.

    $ openssl s_client -connect

    But the page https  is not loading.

     What can be?



  • When I did:

    root@am335x-evm:~# rm /dev/crypto

    The openssl works. So I compiled my kernel. I did

    $ make menuconfig

    Disable Cryptographic API ---> Hardware crypto devices.
    Change to module (M) OCF Configuration ---> cryptodev (user space support) .
    In my application (browser_gui) I did it :

    < >

    It works to me.

    When I did:

    root@am335x-evm:~# rm /dev/crypto

    The openssl works. So I compiled my kernel. I did

    $ make menuconfig

    Disable Cryptographic API ---> Hardware crypto devices.
    Change to module (M) OCF Configuration ---> cryptodev (user space support) .
    In my application (browser_gui) I did it :

    < >

    It works to me.