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am335x GPIO2 interrupt to MPUSS via interconnect

Hello everyone,
I've been trying to wakeup my system from standby mode via a GPIO2 interrupt for some time now. I just recently stumbled upon this paragraph in the newest revision of the TRM (rev K, June 2014) in section
"Wakeup in Standby mode is achieved using any GPIO. GPIO wakeup is possible by switching the pad to GPIO mode and configuring the corresponding GPIO bank for generating an interrupt to the MPUSS. Note that pads that do not have a GPIO muxmode (for example, ADC or USB), cannot cause these wakeups. If additional or other wakeup sources are required, the associated peripheral module clock and interconnect clock domain should remain enabled (this may require the associated PLL to remain locked) and the module must be configured appropriately for wakeup by configuring it to generate an interrupt to the MPUSS."
I assume this requires use of the interconnects (L3/L4), but I cannot find out how to configure this connection. Can somebody help me with this?