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AM335x: IBIS and DDR_CK and DDR_DQS differential models



we have two questions, one on DDR_CK and the other on DDR_DQS models in the IBIS file. The intend is to model these signal with Hyperlinx, but there are some gaps in the model to do this.

(1) DDR_CK, DDR_CKN pair

We see that this pair is not defined as a differential pair (vdiff definition), that seems to be missing. What we see is that the signals are modeled as two single ended signals, DDR_CK with model selector_4 and DDR_CKN with model selector_4. However Hyperlinx is trying to model this as differential pair, and cannot do it, because the vdiff definition is missing. Is there an intent to model the signals as single ended, even though they are truly differential? Can we model differential?


This time the signals are actually defined as differential signals with the vdiff definition, however the positive side signal is mapped to model selector_1 and the negative side is mapped to model selector_6, i.e. two different models. Each of the models are in fact single ended models. Hyperlinx tries to model these differential signals, but fails because it expects ONE differential model and not two single ended models. How can we model the differential signals?


