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Trying to debug u-boot with XDS100v2 on am3352: Target must be connected before loading program

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3352

We are following the tutorial at Sitara_Linux_Training:_uboot_linux_debug_with_ccsv5, so that we can debug u-boot with a XDS100v2 jtag on a am3352 board.  We are using ccsv6

U-boot builds ok in ccsv6, and the target configuration with the XDS100v2/am3352 works fine when the "Test Connection" button is clicked.  All tests run ok, skipped: 0 failed: 0.

But when we click "Launch selected configuration" the result is this in red:

"Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe_0/IcePick_D_0 : Target must be connected before loading program."

Any idea what is wrong here?
