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ICE AM3359 v2 - Beginner Questions

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3359, SYSBIOS

Hello everyone,

I recently bought a new platform: ICE AM3359 v2. 

I need it for a project for my master’s thesis but I’m not really familiar with those.

Some words of explanation about my project :

I need to create an interface between a computer (USB) and an industrial driver (CanOpen) which is controlling a motor.

They are 2 tasks I want to implement :

1) Getting information from the driver, process them and send them to the computer.

2) Getting information back from the computer and send them to the driver.

I have some questions before beginning the work.

Q1 : 

I saw that they are a Cortex A8, a Cortex M3 and 2 PRU usable. What are the pros and cons of using one and not another ? 

I think I should use a RTOS (like SYS/BIOS) and I want the best performance (best refreshing rate for the communication), which one should I use ?

Q2 : 

What’s the difference between the TI and GNU compiler and their implications ? (What is « the best » for my project, or what is the best for better reusability/compatibility ?)

Q3 : 

How should I begin my project ?

Import a typical empty project and add the features one after another when I need them ?

I don’t really understand how that works and what I should add when I want for example to use the LCD screen ?

Thank you very much for reading 

Hoping for some answers.

(I know it's a lot but I don't have much help available for the moment)

  • Hi Nicola,

    I can answer part of your questions.

    Nicola De Lellis said:
    I saw that they are a Cortex A8, a Cortex M3 and 2 PRU usable. What are the pros and cons of using one and not another ? 

    The Cortex-A8 is the main MPU, M3 is used for power management only (not usable for custom software), the 2 PRU can be used for user code which requires fast low-latency processing.

    Nicola De Lellis said:
    I think I should use a RTOS (like SYS/BIOS) and I want the best performance (best refreshing rate for the communication), which one should I use ?

    The Industrial SDK and RTOS SDK both work with the ICE. Download links are here: and

    Inside the download pages you will find links to wiki pages that will answer your other questions at least in part. If any new questions arise, please post them on this thread.

  • Hello !

    Biser Gatchev-XID said:

    Nicola De Lellis
    I saw that they are a Cortex A8, a Cortex M3 and 2 PRU usable. What are the pros and cons of using one and not another ? 

    The Cortex-A8 is the main MPU, M3 is used for power management only (not usable for custom software), the 2 PRU can be used for user code which requires fast low-latency processing.

    Ok. I will use Cortex A8 for general purpose then.

    Biser Gatchev-XID said:

    Nicola De Lellis
    I think I should use a RTOS (like SYS/BIOS) and I want the best performance (best refreshing rate for the communication), which one should I use ?

    The Industrial SDK and RTOS SDK both work with the ICE. Download links are here: and

    Inside the download pages you will find links to wiki pages that will answer your other questions at least in part. If any new questions arise, please post them on this thread.

    Thank you for the answer. I did go through some of the pages but I still don't know how to begin my work.

    For example,

    How can I, without importing an existing project, simply send some data on UART to my computer ? I did try to import all the includes needed for the uart_app_echo example and to mimic it but it won't build. How can I find what are the needed component ?

    Thank you

  • Hi Nicola, which error are you facing when building? I see from Processor SDK we have a Starterware (non-OS) uart_app_echo

    Please do right click on the project -> GNU Linker -> Libraries. There you will see libraries and libraries paths required for building the project. Please import all the projects mentioned there to your CCS workspace (example_utils, dal, board, utils, device, soc). Then on uart_app_echo do clean project ->  Rebuild project

    Thank you,


  • Hello Paula,

    Paula Carrillo said:

    Please do right click on the project -> GNU Linker -> Libraries. There you will see libraries and libraries paths required for building the project. Please import all the projects mentioned there to your CCS workspace (example_utils, dal, board, utils, device, soc). Then on uart_app_echo do clean project ->  Rebuild project

    Thank you,


    I did that a lot and it still wouldn't build. I found a temporary solution :

    I imported the example_utils app from SYSBIOS and it's running for the moment. I will come back to you if I can't do what I want with it.

    Thank you,
