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RTOS/TI-RTOS: Purpose of TaskP in Profinet

Part Number: TI-RTOS

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Hi, I currently do a project with your Profinet example. Would you please explain me the whole purpose of this TaskP thing, which is included in that project? Because I cannot spot the benefit it brings.

• I cannot find useful information about that.

• It has quite a lot of useless code, like the one below. In fact it even makes the whole thing worse, as errors won’t get forwarded here:


TaskP_Status TaskP_delete (TaskP_Handle *handle)
    Task_delete ((Task_Handle *) handle);
    return TaskP_OK;


• In here I read “All module creates require an Error_Block.”, whereas in `TaskP_tirtos.c` I see that no error block gets defined:


TaskP_Handle TaskP_create(void *taskfxn, TaskP_Params *params)
    Task_Handle taskHandle;
    Task_Params taskParams;


    if(params != NULL)
        taskParams.stackSize = params->stacksize;
        taskParams.priority = params->priority;
        taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)(params->arg0);
        taskParams.arg1 = (UArg)(params->arg1);
        taskParams.instance->name = (char *)(params->name);

    taskHandle = Task_create((Task_FuncPtr)taskfxn, &taskParams, NULL);

    return ((TaskP_Handle)taskHandle);


Could you in the future please provide useful information about your OS? About every information (I have to pick together from different sources) is deprecated – for example the driver’s guide is from 2016 and files like the mentioned `Driver.h` even don’t exist anymore.