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Linux/AM5728: OpenCV optimization

Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: Linux


we are going to using opencl to accelerate opencv based on am5728 platform, so  i have designed a simple test app, the procedure as following:

1) read left and right two images from input files

2) call and execute StereoBM algorithm and get the disparity image

3) call minMaxLoc function in order to convert disparity image form CV_16S type to CV_8u type or call getMat() function to get mat format data  structure for next process.

I find that if i enable opencl, and stereoBM algorithm  running faster than disable opencl, but minMaxLoc() or getMat() will take nearly 2s, it's very strange for this, because if i don't enable opencl which only take 0.1ms, i think since umat is a TAPI, so host and device all have access rights, should no data movement or transfer, but the result show me my thinking is wrong.

The test app and log file please see the attachments!

Is there any OpenCV/OpenCL expert give me a detail explanation, I am stacking at this problem for a long time.