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WaveVision 5: Unable to enter sample rate when importing data

Been using WaveVision for a while now - good program.

However, today it's developed a bug. When importing ASCII decimal data, it's impossible to enter a value in the "Sample Rate:" box; it remains blank, and does not respond to typing in digits. However the Sample Width can be adjusted.

Consequently, calculations that use the sample rate, such as an FFT, cause a crash and bring up a "Report and Suggestion Editor". The report contains "Exception Message - Scrollbar Property Out Of Range", which makes sense as the frequency axis values displayed are garbage. But, I can't enter a name or email in the report dialog, though there is a correct email present in report's the "General" tab. But on trying to send it, there's an "unexpected error prevented the message from being sent".

Uninstall & reinstall did not fix it.

Any help with getting round this issue is appreciated.

  • Jeff

    So this bug ws not occurring when you first installed the software? If that is the case, please try un-installing and then deleting the following directories:

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Semiconductor\Wavevision 5\

    C:\Program Files (x86)\National Semiconductor\Wavevision 5\

    ...and then try re-installing

    Unfortunately, the error/bug reporting feature in the WaveVIsion 5 software no longer works.

    Regards, Josh

  • Hi Josh - thanks for your quick response. correct, WaveVision 5 was working like a champ until recently.

    I tried uninstalling as you suggested:

    * Uninstall

    * Restart (otherwise the National Instruments program folder is still in use)

    * Delete folders

    * Restart

    * Re-install

    Unfortunately the same thing is happening.

    The picture below shows the Import screen. Clicking on the Sampling Rate box doesn't work. Nor does using Tab to try to reach it.

    Any ideas?

  • Jeff,
    It is very strange that the sample rate cannot be changed and I am unable to reproduce the problem despite trying some things. As a workaround, try looking into the WV5.ini file and manually editing the 'Import File Sampling Rate' field. The file can be found at:
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Semiconductor\Wavevision 5\Data\Config\
    Regards, Josh
  • FYI: I've been using the .ini file workaround suggested by Joshua for a while now. 

    But today, I finally figured out what causes "missing fields" in the dialog boxes. Windows 7 has a feature that lets you "Make it easier to read what's on your screen". It's in the Control Panel, under Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display. 

    The default on my 1920 x 1080 laptop screen is "Medium - 125%", which is what I've been using.

    By setting it to "Smaller - 100%", dialog boxes in Wavevision 5 and some other applications now display correctly. Yay!

    The down side is that text is rather small in Windows now, but that's not a significant problem.