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DAC7811 adjusts voltage option

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7811, AFE5809, OPA277


Can I get DAC (DAC7811)adjusts voltage - 0 to 1.5V,Instead  of  getting  +10VREF and -10VREF with this current design.let me know if you need more information .I am using in ultrasound  application 

See snapshot below.

  • Hi Fawad,

    Can you share the details of the application?

    Are you trying to get an output voltage of 0V to +1.5V?

    If this is the case, the easiest way to accomplish this is to supply a -1.5V reference. Keep in mind that you will need a transimpedance amplifier at the output of the DAC in order to convert the current to voltage. The transimpedance stage is not shown in the diagram you provided, but if you can share that with me, I can also review it for you.

  • I am using in portable ultrasound design.

    I am using 8 of AFE5809 chips to get more channel options .My main concern  is In the  TGC section producing VCNTL signals.(VCNTL_IN_P/VCNTL_IN_N)

     This signal is an analog signal that controls the attenuator in the RX AFEs. In the most typical case it provides a ramp voltage to the RX AFE. what voltage range VCNTL signal should be used ?

    Can I use 0V to +1.5V or it should be always be 10v  and -10 v  that is mentioned in datasheet .


    See attached design for your review.

    1004.DAC7811 adjusts voltage option.pdf



  • Fawad Munawar said:

    I am using 8 of AFE5809 chips to get more channel options .My main concern  is In the  TGC section producing VCNTL signals.(VCNTL_IN_P/VCNTL_IN_N)

     This signal is an analog signal that controls the attenuator in the RX AFEs. In the most typical case it provides a ramp voltage to the RX AFE. what voltage range VCNTL signal should be used ?

    I am not familiar with the AFE5809, but from looking at the datasheet and the schematics that your provided, I do think that the DAC output range should be from 0V to +1.5V. I think that you can use a single ended input to VCNTLP by grounding VCNTLM. As opposed to a differential input.

    For more details on this specification please refer to the Medical Forum, they take care of this AFE5809 part.

    Fawad Munawar said:
    Can I use 0V to +1.5V or it should be always be 10v  and -10 v  that is mentioned in datasheet .

    I assume you are referring to figure 26 in the DAC7811 datasheet.

    The DAC can actually use a ±15V reference voltage and anywhere in between, so you can supply a voltage anywhere from -15V to +15V. In this design the limiting factor is the OPA277 amplifier rails.

    The DAC7811 is perfectly capable of supplying an output voltage from 0V to +1.5V, you will need a -1.5V reference

    Fawad Munawar said:
    See attached design for your review.

    I am unsure as to what the purpose of U114 is. Typically we add a trans-impedance stage to convert the current output of the DAC to voltage. As you can see in figure 26.

  • 1-Can I use precision 1.5v  regulator  only to this job to generate the VCNTLP signal because I need only +1.5 v and 0.

    2-if not possible above option above  can I use the following modified version of design below in which I have crossed the parts which I do not need and by changing resistor values I will get +1.5v only ?let me know if this approach works for me .See snapshot below

  • Fawad,

    If you only need the two choices of 1.5V and 0V to control the AFE5809 attenuator, it is acceptable to just use single-ended potentials of 0V and 1.5V on the VCNTLP pin while VCNTLM is grounded. In this case 1.5V sets the attenuator to maximum attenuation and 0V sets it to minimum attenuation.