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Synchronized sampling using ADS1262

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1262

We try to design a 4-channel system with ADS1262 to do sampling at exact same time (not multiplex). We connect single clock 7.3728MHz, and single START signal to four ADS1262s. The chip works under continuous mode, Fs 38400Hz. We observe that the time of the first falling edge of DRDYs between difference ADCs after enabling START varies between 4~5 7.3728MHz cycles. The datasheet gives the latency is 0.207 sec which is only in the precision of millisecond. Can TI provide more precise latency performance, like in microsecond?

  • Hi jxu,

    Welcome to the TI E2E forums!


    The conversion latency will be within td(STDR) + 8/f(CLK). In other words, you may see an additional delay of up to 8 master clock (7.3728MHz) cycles. The reason for this delay is that the modulator runs off of the mod clock, which is 1/8th the frequency of the master clock. When issuing a START command, the command may take place either within the current mod clock period or the next.


    Resetting the devices to improve synchronization

    Likely, the mod clocks are starting slightly out-of-sync after powering up the devices. If you have the ability, you could issue a hardware reset (using a shared RESET pin) to all four ADCs to restart the mod clocks and improve the synchronization. To ensure that all the resets take place within the same clock period, you would want the RESET signal to transition during a master clock falling edge (so take RESET low on a falling clock edge, wait at least 4 clock periods, and take RESET high during another falling clock edge).

    Alternatively, if all four ADCs share the same SCLK signal, and SCLK is derived from the master clock, you may be able to issue a software RESET command to synchronize the mod clocks. However, again to ensure that the commands all take place within the same master clock period, the falling edge of SCLK must align with the rising edge of the master clock.

    Both of these methods require very strict timing to truly synchronize the ADC clocks; regardless, you might still see some improvement in synchronization by  resetting the devices after power-up, even without adhering to this level of timing.


    Best regards,

  • Chris,

    Thank you so much for the information beyond the data sheet. Based on your suggestion, I made SCLK and master clock shared the same 7.3728MHz clock, and toggled RESET with this clock at rising edge. All of four DRDYs responded the first edge at the same time.
  • Hi jxu,

    I'm glad I could help! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Best Regards,