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EDMA3_transfer DSP tms320c6678

Hi, i am working withe the EDMA3 ressource on the DSP, the execution of the programme, transfer data from a source to a destination buffer.
please there is any person can explain me wahy the distination buffer dont get any value.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "csl_tsc.h"
#include <ti/csl/csl_cache.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_cacheAux.h>
#include "DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.h"

#include <ti/csl/csl_edma3.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_edma3Aux.h>

static unsigned long long st,fn,val;

// EDMA3

#define EDN (EDN_A*EDN_B) //taille maximale à transferé

#define EDN_A 10 //ACNT
#define EDN_B 20 //BCNT

unsigned int srcBuff1[EDN]; //Source à transferé
unsigned int dstBuff1[EDN]; //ditination

/*utilisation da la directive paragma pour stocker les données dans la mémoire d'une facon adjacente */

#pragma DATA_SECTION(srcBuff1,".cData"); // source dans L2SRAM
#pragma DATA_SECTION(dstBuff1,".mData"); // Destination dans MSMCSRAM et pour DDR3 on a .fData

void cacheinit(void) {
// activate L1D as cache

Int32 edma_transfer (Int32 instNum, Uint8 channelNum)
CSL_Edma3Handle hModule; // this is a pointer to the object CSL_EDMA3Obj, it is passed to all EDMA module level CSL APIs
CSL_Edma3Obj edmaObj; // this object contains the refeence to the instance of EDMA module.
// CSL_EDMA3Obj : the pointer to this object is passed as EDMA handles to all EDMA module CSL APIs
CSL_Edma3ParamHandle hParamPing;//PaRAM set handle to the PaRAM set register
CSL_Edma3ChannelObj chObj; // EDMA channel object, the pointer of this object to define the EDMA chanel controller module
CSL_Edma3CmdIntr regionIntr; // EDMA controle/query controle command structure, used to issu command for interrupt related APIs
CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle hChannel; // the pointer to the EDMA chanel object
CSL_Edma3ParamSetup myParamSetup; //EDMA3 PaRAM setup structure, used to program the PaRAM set for DMA/QDMA transfer.
CSL_Edma3Context context; // Module specific context information, used to initialize the EDMA module
CSL_Edma3ChannelAttr chAttr; // EDMA3 channel parameter structure used to open a chanel
CSL_Status status; // CSL status

/* Module initialization */
if (CSL_edma3Init(&context) != CSL_SOK)
/* This function initializes the context object and it needs to be invoked before using an EDMA3 module.
Upon success, this function returns CSL_status CSL_SOK*/
printf ("Error: EDMA module initialization failed\n");
return -1;
/*The next step to accomplish is to open the EDMA3 module requested, CSL_edma3Open().
The function returns an EDMA3 handle; it is the input for the rest of the APIs used within the EDMA3 module*/
/* Open the EDMA Module using the provided instance number */

hModule = CSL_edma3Open(&edmaObj, instNum, NULL, &status);

if ( (hModule == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK))
printf ("Error: EDMA module open failed\n");
return -1;

/* Channel open */

chAttr.regionNum = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
chAttr.chaNum = channelNum;

/*CSL_edma3ChannelOpen returns a handle for the specified EDMA Channel for use
Return Value : CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle*/
/*Functions CSL_edma3Init(), CSL_edma3Open() must be invoked successfully in order before
calling this API*/
hChannel = CSL_edma3ChannelOpen(&chObj, instNum, &chAttr, &status);
if ((hChannel == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK))
printf ("Error: Unable to open EDMA Channel:%d\n", channelNum);
return -1;

if(!instNum) //
/*CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue programs the channel to Queue mapping. This writes the DMAQNUM/QDAMQNUM

/* For first EDMA instance there are only 2 TCs and 2 event queues
* Modify the channel default queue setup from 0 to 1

if (CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue(hChannel,CSL_EDMA3_QUE_1) != CSL_SOK)
printf ("Error: EDMA channel setup queue failed\n");
return -1;
/* For EDMA instance 1 and 2 maximum of 4 TCs and 4 event queues are supported
* Change Channel Default queue setup from 0 to 3
if (CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue(hChannel,CSL_EDMA3_QUE_3) != CSL_SOK)
printf ("Error: EDMA channel setup queue failed\n");
return -1;

/* Map the DMA Channel to PARAM Block 2. */
CSL_edma3MapDMAChannelToParamBlock (hModule, channelNum, 2);

/*CSL_edma3GetParamHandle acquires the PaRAM entry as specified by the argument.*/
/* Obtain a handle to parameter set 2 */
hParamPing = CSL_edma3GetParamHandle(hChannel, 2, &status);
if (hParamPing == NULL)
printf ("Error: EDMA Get Parameter Entry failed for 2.\n");
return -1;

/* Setup the parameter entry parameters (Ping buffer) */
myParamSetup.option = CSL_EDMA3_OPT_MAKE(CSL_EDMA3_ITCCH_DIS, \
myParamSetup.srcAddr = (Uint32)srcBuff1;
myParamSetup.aCntbCnt = CSL_EDMA3_CNT_MAKE(EDN_A,EDN_B);
myParamSetup.dstAddr = (Uint32)dstBuff1;
myParamSetup.srcDstBidx = CSL_EDMA3_BIDX_MAKE(EDN_A,EDN_A);
myParamSetup.linkBcntrld= CSL_EDMA3_LINKBCNTRLD_MAKE(0xFFFF,EDN_B);
myParamSetup.srcDstCidx = CSL_EDMA3_CIDX_MAKE(0,1);
myParamSetup.cCnt = 1;

/* Ping setup */
/*CSL_edma3ParamSetup configures the EDMA Parameter RAM (PaRAM) entry using the values passed in
through the PaRAM setup structure
Arguments (hParamHndl : Handle to the PaRAM entry, setup: Pointer to PaRAM setup structure */
if (CSL_edma3ParamSetup(hParamPing,&myParamSetup) != CSL_SOK)
printf ("Error: EDMA Parameter Entry Setup failed\n");
return -1;

/* Interrupt enable (Bits 0-1) for the global region interrupts */
regionIntr.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
regionIntr.intr = 0x3;
regionIntr.intrh = 0x0000;

/* Trigger channel */

regionIntr.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
regionIntr.intr = 0;
regionIntr.intrh = 0;

/* Poll on IPR bit 0 */
do {
CSL_edma3GetHwStatus(hModule,CSL_EDMA3_QUERY_INTRPEND,&regionIntr); //
} while (!(regionIntr.intr & 0x1));


/* Clear the pending bit */

/* Close channel */
if (CSL_edma3ChannelClose(hChannel) != CSL_SOK)
printf("Error: EDMA Channel Close failed\n");
return -1;

/* Close EDMA module */
if (CSL_edma3Close(hModule) != CSL_SOK)
printf("Error: EDMA Module Close failed\n");
return -1;

/* The test passed. */
return 0;

void main(void) {
double gigabyte;
int loopIndex;

printf("**** Debut de Test *******");

for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < EDN; loopIndex++)
srcBuff1[loopIndex] = loopIndex;
dstBuff1[loopIndex] = 0;


printf("\n elapsed cycles : %lld\n",val);

for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < EDN; loopIndex++)
if (srcBuff1[loopIndex]!=dstBuff1[loopIndex]) printf("error at %d, la valeur de source %d, destination %d \n",loopIndex,srcBuff1[loopIndex],dstBuff1[loopIndex]);

printf("fin test c66x\n");

#include <stdio.h>
#include "csl_tsc.h"
#include <ti/csl/csl_cache.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_cacheAux.h>
#include "DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.h"

#include <ti/csl/csl_edma3.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_edma3Aux.h>

static unsigned long long st,fn,val;

// EDMA3

#define EDN (EDN_A*EDN_B) //taille maximale � transfer�

#define EDN_A 10 //ACNT
#define EDN_B 20 //BCNT

unsigned int srcBuff1[EDN]; //Source � transfer�
unsigned int dstBuff1[EDN];	//ditination

	/*utilisation da la directive paragma pour stocker les donn�es dans la m�moire d'une facon adjacente */

#pragma DATA_SECTION(srcBuff1,".cData");	// source dans L2SRAM
#pragma DATA_SECTION(dstBuff1,".mData");	// Destination dans MSMCSRAM et pour DDR3 on a .fData

void cacheinit(void) {
	// enable DDR3 caching
	// activate L1D as cache

Int32 edma_transfer (Int32 instNum, Uint8 channelNum)
    CSL_Edma3Handle                 hModule; // this is a pointer to the object CSL_EDMA3Obj,	it is passed to all EDMA module level CSL APIs
    CSL_Edma3Obj                    edmaObj; // this object contains the refeence to the instance of EDMA module.
	// CSL_EDMA3Obj : the pointer to this object is passed as EDMA handles to all EDMA module CSL APIs
    CSL_Edma3ParamHandle            hParamPing;//PaRAM set handle to the PaRAM set register
    CSL_Edma3ChannelObj             chObj; // EDMA channel object, the pointer of this object to define the EDMA chanel controller module
    CSL_Edma3CmdIntr                regionIntr; // EDMA controle/query controle command structure, used to issu command for interrupt related APIs
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle          hChannel; // the pointer to the EDMA chanel object
    CSL_Edma3ParamSetup             myParamSetup; //EDMA3 PaRAM setup structure, used to program the PaRAM set for DMA/QDMA transfer.
    CSL_Edma3Context                context; //  Module specific context information, used to initialize the EDMA module
    CSL_Edma3ChannelAttr            chAttr; // EDMA3 channel parameter structure used to open a chanel
    CSL_Status                      status; // CSL status

    /* Module initialization */
    if (CSL_edma3Init(&context) != CSL_SOK)
	/* This function initializes the context object and it needs to be invoked before using an EDMA3 module.
	Upon success, this function returns CSL_status CSL_SOK*/
        printf ("Error: EDMA module initialization failed\n");
        return -1;
	/*The next step to accomplish is to open the EDMA3 module requested, CSL_edma3Open().
	The function returns an EDMA3 handle; it is the input for the rest of the APIs used within the EDMA3 module*/
    /* Open the EDMA Module using the provided instance number */

    hModule = CSL_edma3Open(&edmaObj, instNum, NULL, &status);

    if ( (hModule == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK))
        printf ("Error: EDMA module open failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Channel open */

    chAttr.regionNum = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
    chAttr.chaNum    = channelNum;

	/*CSL_edma3ChannelOpen returns a handle for the specified EDMA Channel for use
	Return Value : CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle*/
	/*Functions CSL_edma3Init(), CSL_edma3Open() must be invoked successfully in order before
	calling this API*/
	hChannel = CSL_edma3ChannelOpen(&chObj, instNum, &chAttr, &status);
    if ((hChannel == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK))
        printf ("Error: Unable to open EDMA Channel:%d\n", channelNum);
        return -1;

    if(!instNum) //
	/*CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue programs the channel to Queue mapping. This writes the DMAQNUM/QDAMQNUM

		/* For first EDMA instance there are only 2 TCs and 2 event queues
         * Modify the channel default queue setup from 0 to 1

         if (CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue(hChannel,CSL_EDMA3_QUE_1) != CSL_SOK)
            printf ("Error: EDMA channel setup queue failed\n");
            return -1;
        /* For EDMA instance 1 and 2 maximum of 4 TCs and 4 event queues are supported
         * Change Channel Default queue setup from 0 to 3
        if (CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue(hChannel,CSL_EDMA3_QUE_3) != CSL_SOK)
            printf ("Error: EDMA channel setup queue failed\n");
            return -1;

    /* Map the DMA Channel to PARAM Block 2. */
    CSL_edma3MapDMAChannelToParamBlock (hModule, channelNum, 2);

	/*CSL_edma3GetParamHandle acquires the PaRAM entry as specified by the argument.*/
    /* Obtain a handle to parameter set 2 */
	hParamPing = CSL_edma3GetParamHandle(hChannel, 2, &status);
    if (hParamPing == NULL)
        printf ("Error: EDMA Get Parameter Entry failed for 2.\n");
        return -1;

    /* Setup the parameter entry parameters (Ping buffer) */
    myParamSetup.option = CSL_EDMA3_OPT_MAKE(CSL_EDMA3_ITCCH_DIS, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_TCCH_DIS, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_ITCINT_DIS, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_TCINT_EN, \
                                             0, CSL_EDMA3_TCC_NORMAL,\
                                             CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_NONE, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_STATIC_DIS, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_SYNC_AB, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_ADDRMODE_INCR, \
                                             CSL_EDMA3_ADDRMODE_INCR );
    myParamSetup.srcAddr    = (Uint32)srcBuff1;
    myParamSetup.aCntbCnt   = CSL_EDMA3_CNT_MAKE(EDN_A,EDN_B);
    myParamSetup.dstAddr    = (Uint32)dstBuff1;
    myParamSetup.srcDstBidx = CSL_EDMA3_BIDX_MAKE(EDN_A,EDN_A);
    myParamSetup.linkBcntrld= CSL_EDMA3_LINKBCNTRLD_MAKE(0xFFFF,EDN_B);
    myParamSetup.srcDstCidx = CSL_EDMA3_CIDX_MAKE(0,1);
    myParamSetup.cCnt = 1;

    /* Ping setup */
	/*CSL_edma3ParamSetup configures the EDMA Parameter RAM (PaRAM) entry using the values passed in
	through the PaRAM setup structure
	Arguments (hParamHndl : Handle to the PaRAM entry, setup: Pointer to PaRAM setup structure */
    if (CSL_edma3ParamSetup(hParamPing,&myParamSetup) != CSL_SOK)
        printf ("Error: EDMA Parameter Entry Setup failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Interrupt enable (Bits 0-1)  for the global region interrupts */
    regionIntr.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
    regionIntr.intr   = 0x3;
    regionIntr.intrh  = 0x0000;

    /* Trigger channel */

    regionIntr.region = CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL;
    regionIntr.intr   = 0;
    regionIntr.intrh  = 0;

    /* Poll on IPR bit 0 */
    do {
        CSL_edma3GetHwStatus(hModule,CSL_EDMA3_QUERY_INTRPEND,&regionIntr); //
    } while (!(regionIntr.intr & 0x1));


    /* Clear the pending bit */

    /* Close channel */
    if (CSL_edma3ChannelClose(hChannel) != CSL_SOK)
        printf("Error: EDMA Channel Close failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Close EDMA module */
    if (CSL_edma3Close(hModule) != CSL_SOK)
        printf("Error: EDMA Module Close failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* The test passed. */
    return 0;

void main(void) {
	double gigabyte;
	int loopIndex;

	printf("**** Debut de Test *******");

    for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < EDN; loopIndex++)
        srcBuff1[loopIndex] = loopIndex;
        dstBuff1[loopIndex] = 0;


	printf("\n elapsed cycles : %lld\n",val);

   for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < EDN; loopIndex++)
          if (srcBuff1[loopIndex]!=dstBuff1[loopIndex]) printf("error at %d, la valeur de source %d, destination %d \n",loopIndex,srcBuff1[loopIndex],dstBuff1[loopIndex]);

	printf("fin test c66x\n");

  • Hi Memed,

    Please do not create duplicate threads. I have deleted your old duplicate threads. We are working on this and get back to you. Thank you for your patience.
  • Hi,
    Refer the CSL based EDMA transfer test code avilable at: C:\ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_6\packages\ti\csl\example\edma
    You can take this and run on the C6678 based board, then understand the flow & configuration.
    Are you using C6678 EVM or your own custom board?
    If you succeed to run this code, then take this code as reference and modify to your requirment.
    Please do not duplicate same thread to multiple or some other forum. For this query is related to this forum exactly here.